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0:00 - Gambling on the Sabbath / Praying and Praising

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Partial Transcript: Let me see what they are.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler describes the lyrics to two traditional folk songs called "Gambling on the Sabbath," and "Praying and Praising."

Keywords: Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Religion; Christianity; Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

4:08 - Dying from Hour and Lost

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Dying from Hour and Lost"]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Dying from Hour and Lost."

Keywords: Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky; "Dying from Hour and Lost" (song)

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

6:55 - Prodigal Son

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Prodigal Son."]

Keywords: "Prodigal Son" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

8:44 - How Tedious the Hour

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "How Tedious the Hour."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings the lyrics to a traditional religious folk song called "How Tedious the Hour."

Keywords: "How Tedious the Hour (song)"; Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

9:57 - Little Family at Bethany

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Partial Transcript: Little family at Bethany.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional religious folk song called "Little Family at Bethany."

Keywords: "Little Family at Bethany" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Religion; Christianity; Hymns

13:38 - One More River to Cross

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "One More River to Cross."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional religious folk song called "One More River to Cross."

Keywords: "One More River to Cross" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Hymns; Religion; Christianity; Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

16:10 - Goodbye, my Little Dove

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Partial Transcript: Here's a World War I song.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings the lyrics to a WWI-era song called "Goodbye, my Little Dove."

Keywords: "Goodbye, my Little Dove" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: World War I; War songs; Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

17:17 - Precious Book

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Precious Book."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional religious folk song called "Precious Book."

Keywords: "Precious Book" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Religion; Christianity

20:27 - Widow by the Sea

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Partial Transcript: The widow by the sea--.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Widow by the Sea."

Keywords: "Widow by the Sea" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

22:46 - Curtains of the Night

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Partial Transcript: And there was the verse from the--uh--"The Curtains of the Night.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Curtains of the Night."

Keywords: "Curtains of the Night" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

23:56 - Gambling on the Sabbath

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Gambling on the Sabbath."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional religious folk song called "Gambling on the Sabbath."

Keywords: "Gambling on the Sabbath" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Hymns; Religion; Christianity; Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

25:11 - Little Ring

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Little Ring."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Little Ring."

Keywords: "Little Ring" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

26:15 - Chums for Fifty Years, Rose

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Chums for Fifty Years, Rose."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Chums for Fifty Years, Rose."

Keywords: "Chums for Fifty Years, Rose" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

28:17 - Somebody's Tall and Handsome

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Somebody's Tall and Handsome."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Somebody's Tall and Handsome."

Keywords: "Somebody's Tall and Handsome" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

30:47 - Folk song about Misssouri

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to a song about Missouri.]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song about Missouri.

Keywords: Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: State songs; Missouri; Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

33:07 - Hello, Central / Welcome as Flowers in Spring

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Hello, Central."

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a WWI-era song called "Hello, Central." Fowler also sings a traditional folk song called "Welcome as Flowers in Spring."

Keywords: Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky; "Welcome as Flowers in Spring" (song)

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; World War I; War songs

35:20 - Songs Fowler wrote or sang for Danny

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Partial Transcript: Now here's ones says I sung for Danny, he's right here.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler lists some of the songs she would sing to Danny, possibly her son. Fowler also mentions several of the songs she sang to her father.

Keywords: "You Gave me a Rose" (song); "Think When you see the Poor Drunkard" (song); "Gambling on the Sabbath" (song); "The Cottage by the Sea" (song); Family; "Alone at Midnight Hour" (song); "Hello, Central" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky; "Barney McCoy" (song)

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Sons; Father

38:11 - Take a Trip in my Airship

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Take a Trip in my Airship."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a folk song called "Take a Trip in my Airship."

Keywords: "Take a Trip in my Airship" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

40:02 - Cowboy's Life

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Cowboy's Life."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Cowboy's Life."

Keywords: "Cowboy's Life" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

41:27 - Sweet Marie

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Sweet Marie."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "Sweet Marie."

Keywords: "Sweet Marie" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

43:26 - The Time has Come, Dear Papa / I'll Meet you at the Portal

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "The Time has Come, Dear Papa."]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "The Time has Come, Dear Papa." Fowler also sings a traditional religious folksong called "I'll Meet you at the Portal."

Keywords: "The Time has Come, Dear Papa" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky; "I'll Meet you at the Portal" (song)

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Hymns; Religion; Christianity

45:43 - How I Love You, Mame

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: I want to tell you, Mame . . .

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a traditional folk song called "How I Love You, Mame."

Keywords: "How I Love You, Mame" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

47:04 - Golden Wedding Day

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: [Singing the lyrics to "Golden Wedding Day."

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings the lyrics to a traditional folk song called "Golden Wedding Day."

Keywords: "Golden Wedding Day" (song); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Singing; Singers; Folk songs; Folk singers; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006

47:37 - Sisters Bealer story

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Partial Transcript: Knock out the very last screw.

Segment Synopsis: Fowler tells a traditional folk story called "Sisters Bealer."

Keywords: Sisters Bealer (story); Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Folk tales and legends; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Culture

49:54 - "Coon, Coon, Coon"

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Partial Transcript: [Singing the chorus.]

Segment Synopsis: Fowler sings a song entitled "Coon, Coon, Coon."
You may encounter language you find harmful or offensive in the Kentucky Historical Society’s online collections. KHS collects, preserves, and provides access to materials from different periods and cultures. These materials document the views of their creator and the period when they were created. As a result, some may demonstrate racist and offensive views that do not reflect the values of the Kentucky Historical Society.

Keywords: Margaret MacArthur; Western Kentucky

Subjects: Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Racism; Prejudice; Discrimination; Stereotypes (Social psychology)

51:26 - Discussion of Blaylock family at the Orange family reunion

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Partial Transcript: Your grandfather came from Ireland?

Segment Synopsis: Fowler discusses attending the Orange family reunion. Fowler also describes her relatives and ancestors.

Keywords: Family; Relatives

Subjects: Family reunions; Kentucky; Kentuckians; MacArthur, Margaret, 1928-2006; Ancestors; Grandfathers