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0:04 - Introductions

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Partial Transcript: "Beth can you give me your name and date of birth so we can label the statement formally?"

Segment Synopsis: Interviewee introduces herself.

Subjects: Kentucky

0:51 - Life before the Pandemic

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Partial Transcript: "Um, so let's just go ahead and start, uh first question is, can you describe, Beth, who you were and what your life was like prior to your knowledge of the gravity of the Covid virus?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry discusses her life as an adult, single, working woman before the pandemic. She has worked for dentistries since 2006. She is from Western Kentucky and now lives in Louisville, after living in Lexington for 18 years.

Keywords: coronavirus; Coronavirus; covid; Covid; covid-19; Covid-19

Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic

1:45 - Life during the Pandemic

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Partial Transcript: "So um, as soon as you found out the gravity of Covid, how did that affect your professional and personal life?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry notes that she found out about Covid before it really came to the U.S. from a friend, which enabled her to understand more of what was going on than what was being explained. She said her workplace life didn't change as much, but they instituted more cleaning measures. She works at both a Dental office standing alone an one in the mall. Her company never shut down, but she notes the difficulties she faced in placing orders for equipment, and how shipments would be delayed and she would have to place orders more frequently.

Keywords: Change; Work

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville

9:26 - Politics Involved in PPE Shortage?

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Partial Transcript: "I wanna ask you, do you think that's a problem as a result of politics and the way things have been handled? This idea of PPE being so short."

Segment Synopsis: Perry states that she believes politics played a role in the PPE shortage and mask hoarding. She notes the lack of preparation led to this shortage.

Keywords: personal protective equipment; Personal Protective Equipment; politics; Politics; ppe; PPE

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

10:50 - Personal Feelings of Safety

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Partial Transcript: "So how do you feel about that? Do you feel relatively safe or do you feel like - and are you getting tested regularly?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry notes her company does not require testing, but they are somewhat monitored. She notes that her job is one of the most dangerous and so she is surprised about her company's decision. But Perry says that personally she has decided to get tested every week for her own sanity

Keywords: Safety

Subjects: Kentucky; Lousiville; Pandemic

13:21 - * Socializing with Friends/Family.

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Partial Transcript: "So, but in your personal life, have you been able to, throughout the summer, have you been able to meet people at parks or have you shied away from that?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry notes that at the beginning of the pandemic that it was an "all lockdown", but that one of her coworkers and she walked 1-2 times a week. She's done Zoom meetings and online games with her other friends. Once everyone started getting tested, she and some friends have gotten together, mainly staying outside. She notes that she went home one time and it seemed like things were untouched, as some people were still not wearing masks and distancing. Perry also discusses safe ways she was able to travel and stay with friends.

Keywords: Social; social; summer; Summer

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

27:50 - Laid-Off Coworkers

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Partial Transcript: "The people who are not reactivated, are they getting paid or what's their status?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry notes that some of her coworkers have been reactivated since June/July. Her other coworkers were temporarily laid off, but her company stressed how to file for unemployment

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

32:04 - Politics and the Pandemic

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Partial Transcript: "Well uh, let's switch gears just a little bit. Do you think the pandemic has been politicized?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry says she believes that the pandemic has not been politicized, but she believes it's been used as a political argument to affect the elections.

Keywords: politics; Politics

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

35:21 - Government Handling

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Partial Transcript: "Well let's talk about that, how do you think that covid has been handled at various levels of government?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry says she loves Gov. Beshear, but does not think he has done exactly everything right. Even so, she is grateful that he is honest and does what he believes is right. She says with the national government, too many people are talking, and not enough correct information is being spread.

Keywords: government; Government

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

41:43 - Good from the Pandemic

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Partial Transcript: "So Beth, has anything good happened to you as a result of covid?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry says because she hasn't been out a lot, she's been able to invest more and pay off debt, and overall have a better budget.

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

43:41 - Loss of Physical Touch

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Partial Transcript: "This idea of the loss of physical touch, uh I mean, that's very difficult to do without."

Segment Synopsis: Perry discusses how she and her small group of friends decided to start hugging and she was very touched and enjoyed the physical touch after the loss of it.

Keywords: Touch; touch

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

45:48 - Looking toward the Future

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Partial Transcript: "Um, so 50-100 years from now when historians study this period and try to analyze it, what do you think uh what do you think they'll come up with? What will their analysis be?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry believes future historians' analysis will be "they did a terrible job."

Keywords: history; History

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

46:22 - The New Normal

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Partial Transcript: "What do you think the new normal will be like, Beth, when maybe the acute phase is over, we have a vaccine, will it all be different?"

Segment Synopsis: Perry says that it'll be different regardless, and she thinks people will be afraid for a long time. She thinks that a lot of changes will stick around.

Keywords: change; Change; Normal; normal

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

48:36 - Final Remarks

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Partial Transcript: "Is there anything else you'd like to say?"

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer and Perry wrap up the interview.

Subjects: Kentucky; Louisville; Pandemic

0:00No transcript.