0:01 - Introductions
0:23 - Daily Life as a Teacher
Partial Transcript: "So Dennis, I'll just start asking you to introduce yourself and sort of describe what your daily life is like these days."
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic introduces himself and notes that he is a science teacher in Warren County Public Schools. He is also a soccer coach and graduate student. He says that teaching during the pandemic feels like he is not really teaching and is more babysitting. He notes that the students have forgotten what it is like to be a student. Many students are failing and have lost motivation, making teaching very challenging. Because of the hybrid schedule, students are staying up too late and as a result not paying attention during class. Students aren't actually attempting to learn for mastery.
Keywords: warren county; Warren County
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
11:36 - Support as a Teacher
Partial Transcript: "What is your support system like as a teacher?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic describes his family and notes that they are a good support system, as well as friends that check in every now and then. He also says that everyone at the school is super supportive, and they share their experiences.
Keywords: support; Support
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
15:10 - Long Distance Relationships
Partial Transcript: "You were talking about um your personal support system with your friends and your girlfriend and these um relationships that are sort of long distance. Um, how does I guess- how long have those relationships been long distance and how does it compare now to back before March?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic notes that he's been in a long distance relationship with his girlfriend for almost 5 years, but with covid, it has been a little more difficult. He also says that now he has the space to host his friends, but has not gotten the chance to do so much yet, which is disappointing since he is a very social person. However, since circumstances are changing, he has had a few people over and the situation is improving. He also notes that effort is very important in keeping relationships strong.
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
23:47 - Coworkers at School
Partial Transcript: "You mentioned that uh your coworkers give you some you know regular in-person interaction, and earlier you mentioned that you all have sessions on Fridays. So what do you all talk about?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic discusses that they talk about issues they deal with at school and problem-solving techniques. The biggest thing he says they have as teachers is the support of each other.
Keywords: coworker; Coworker; school; School; teacher; Teacher
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
26:21 - Working with Parents and Students
Partial Transcript: "Um, you said that you'll also be looking for support from parents, um what is it like working with parents as well as your students right now?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic discusses that he has not had a negative interaction with any parents yet, fortunately.
Keywords: School; school; teacher; Teacher
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
29:44 - Helping a "Lost Generation"
Partial Transcript: "Um, you've spoken some about this already, but you said that you kind of fear that this generation might become a lost generation, they're really going through something. What do you see is your responsibility as a teacher in working with this generation of high school students?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic says he feels like the responsibility of a teacher has grown as they try to prevent the lost generation from falling away. He also says there is a loss in science and critical thinking in students. He says he wants to teach his students how to actually think.
Keywords: school; School; student; Student; Teacher; teacher
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
33:49 - Coaching Soccer
Partial Transcript: "So um, if we could kind of pivot a little bit, talking about another one of your - the many, many hats that you wear, you're also a soccer coach, as you mentioned, um, what's that like? What's coaching soccer like?"
Segment Synopsis: Hodzic calls his job as a soccer coach "fun, rewarding" and "challenging," because you can see a discrepancy in students' talents. He notes that the students are playing for personal satisfaction, not as a team. He says that the best teams play selfless soccer. Hodzic notes that some students are struggling and he feels like there is not much he can do. He tries to support his students by being open and trying to be a model for them.
Keywords: coach; Coach; soccer; Soccer
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
41:17 - Family
Partial Transcript: "What about your family? How's your family doing?"
Segment Synopsis: Hozdic notes that his mom has worked from home for 12 years and occasionally goes out, however he has not seen her nor his brother in quite a while. He drove down to Texas to see some of his extended family, because he said his cousins were like brothers and sisters to him, however he still took precautionary measures.
Keywords: Family
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
48:42 - Graduate School
52:28 - Pandemic Affecting Future Plans?
Partial Transcript: "Um, is the pandemic and the reality of what life is like now, has that affected how you plan for your future? Whether in education or otherwise?"
Segment Synopsis: Hozdic says that the pandemic has not affected his plans in any serious way, it just depends on if certain fields are available. He says it's not ideal to plan/prep a wedding during covid, but it can be manageable.
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic
56:05 - No End in Sight? Looking Forward.
Partial Transcript: "Why are you skeptical that the end is in sight?"
Segment Synopsis: Holzdic says he is skeptical of the vaccines that will come out soon because it needs more proof. He is not sure that the vaccine will come out as soon as some people say it will. However, he is looking forward to his girlfriend's visit, Senior night for his soccer team, his friend's wedding, Thanksgiving, graduating.
Subjects: Kentucky; Pandemic