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0:00 - Introduction/Initial Question

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Partial Transcript: We are going to be talking about the Kentucky 225 Commission and her (Potts') role/responsibility with that. We are also going to be talking about what it means to be a Kentuckian. What is your job within the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet?

Segment Synopsis: Potts describes her duties in Marketing and Communications at the Department of Tourism. She pitches ideas on how to advertise attractions throughout Kentucky. She helped develop the Department of Tourism website.

Keywords: Kentucky Department of Tourism; Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabiniet

Subjects: digital media; tourism

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

2:04 - Career Background

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Partial Transcript: What were some of your roles prior to working in the Department of Tourism?

Segment Synopsis: Potts states she worked for Non-Profit Organizations prior to her current position, such as Preservation Kentucky in Rural Heritage Development and the Community Scholars Program with the Kentucky Arts Council. Discusses how Community Scholars taught her the basic skills associated with oral history interviews and was able to interview her late grandmother.

Keywords: Community Scholars Program; Kentucky Arts Council; Preservation Kentucky; Rural Heritage Initiative

Subjects: cemeteries

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

6:49 - Origin of Kentucky 225 Commission

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Partial Transcript: How did the 225 Commission get started?

Segment Synopsis: Discusses how the comission began with Kristen Branscum, the Commissioner of the Department of Tourism, Kent Whitworth also had good ideas about community involvement and engagement. She lists the organizations involved with the comission. She also discusses how the 225 Celebration logo was created.

Keywords: Distillers Association; Frankfort Chamber of Commerce; Frankfort Tourist Comission; Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet

Subjects: commemorations

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

10:43 - Personal Role in Commission

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: What was your particular part in the initiative?

Segment Synopsis: Pott's describes her role as being the "administrative arm"; planned events, assisted in creating the logo, delivered pop-up banners for events, and helped create the website.

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

11:47 - Events hosted by the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage Cabinet

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Tell us a little bit about the events hosted by the Tourism, Arts, and Heritage.

Keywords: Kentucky Artisans Council; Kentucky Arts Council; Kentucky Historical Society

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

13:54 - Communities Involved in the Celebration

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: How did you get words out to communities about the Commission and how did you get them to respond?

Segment Synopsis: She states there was a press release from agency, wanted communities to share information - put did not prod. She discusses a few communities and sites that really stood out to her as excellent participants in the year long celebration.

Keywords: Horse Cave

Subjects: distilleries; historical reenactments

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

17:19 - Kentucky is Home

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: To you, what makes Kentucky, Kentucky?

Segment Synopsis: Discusses her love and passion for the state of Kentucky. She loves Kentucky for the people, the natural beauty of the state, and the diverse culture. She states she has a "fierce loyalty" for the state, "warts and all."

Keywords: culture; Frankfort Regional Hospital

Subjects: Kentucky

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

22:36 - "Selling" Kentucky

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: What are some of the ways/strategies you have used to show why Kentucky is the best?

Segment Synopsis: Potts discusses what marketing strategies she uses and what assets/pillars of Kentucky she implements to make the state attractive from a tourism perspective.

Subjects: Culinary tourism; Heritage; History; Horses; Music; Outdoor adventure

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

29:50 - "Warts" of Kentucky

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: What are some things that make Kentucky, Kentucky that are challenging?

Segment Synopsis: Potts believes one of the hardest challenges Kentucky faces is the negative perception of the state, social issues - poverty, poor health, drug problems.

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

32:50 - Kentucky's Future

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Where would you like to see Kentucky in 20 years?

Segment Synopsis: Potts displays the ways in which she wants to see Kentucky progress in the next 20 years. She wants to see UofL basketball be better, she wants to see a greater emphasis on education (access to higher education, lifelong learning, and training programs), she was to see more jobs created (have a living wage), wants to see a better health, she wants to see the local movement continue, and lastly, wants to see Kentucky appreciate its history and heritage more.

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622

39:53 - Closing Remarks

Play segment Segment link

Partial Transcript: Do you have anything you would like to add?

Segment Synopsis: Potts believes the initiative was really positive, it brought a lot of great partners together - created relationships that can continue into other projects. She performed a lot of research, which she felt was a bit challenging.

GPS: Link to map
Map Coordinates: 38.199188, -84.874622