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0:00 - Introduction/First Question

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Partial Transcript: "How did you make a connection with your cultural roots?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown states that her family did not speak often about their Native American heritage because they were fearful of the prejudices that many individuals around them.

2:25 - Connection to Cultural Roots

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Partial Transcript: "When did you know that you had Native American heritage?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown was not able to connect with her cultural roots until she met Momfeather Erickson. She states that she has felt the greatest connection with her roots by working with herbs, and working toward something greater than herself. She never finished high school, so she decided to go back and get her GED while she was in her seventies. After she received her GED, she took a college course about natural medicine, and earned a certificate as a Master Herbalist. Working with natural medicine has made her feel closer to her mother, father, and grandmother.

6:07 - Traditional Knowledge

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Partial Transcript: "Who do you consider keepers of traditions?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown states that Momfeather Erickson is the person that keeps the community traditions alive. Brown believes that the continuation of traditions into the next generation will be accomplished by creating programs for school children to participate in and community ceremonies, because the school systems do not teach the traditions and heritage of the Native American community. She states that she shares her own knowledge of the Native American community with her family; her children and grandchildren.

8:48 - Difficulties for Native Peoples

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Partial Transcript: "What are some difficulties that Native people in Kentucky face?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown believes that many Kentuckians look down on Native Americans, or have the wrong impressions of the Native community. She believes that some Kentuckians believe they are pagans or even devil worshippers.

12:54 - Powwow Celebrations

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Partial Transcript: "Could you explain what a powwow is?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown states that she has a recipe for fry bread from her grandmother that she would always bring to powwows. Brown describes a powwow as a celebration of life. In these celebrations members of the Native American communities come together to share (trade) their goods, share stories, and dance to remember their ancestors.

15:40 - Documentation of Heritage

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Partial Transcript: "How important is documentation to you?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown states that she knows who she is and does not have to be legally documented to be herself and to know herself. She states that a lot of Native American community's documentation has been lost.

17:35 - Proud Native American

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Partial Transcript: "What does being Native mean to you?"

Segment Synopsis: Brown feels she can be her true self when she recognizes, accepts, and lives out her Native American heritage. It helps her feel free.

19:38 - Closing Remarks

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Partial Transcript: "Is there anything that you would like to share that I haven't asked you about?"

Segment Synopsis: Native Americans are very close to nature - they enjoy nature.