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0:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Today is October 24th, 2007 and I am here with Alvin Armstrong at his residence in Lexington, Ky and my name is Mary Reid. Mr. Armstrong is gonna tell us about his military experience in World War II.

Segment Synopsis: The interviewer, Mary Reid introduces herself and the interviewee Alvin Armstrong.

Keywords: Military; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Lexington (Ky.); World War II, 1939-1945

0:22 - Drafted into Service

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Partial Transcript: Mr. Armstrong, what year did you join?
I was drafted in..
...In 1941
Now was that into the Army?
In the Army...I was inducted in the Louisville Post Office.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses his beginnings in the service.

Keywords: Army; Basic Training; Flamethrower; Flamethrower Outfit; Home Guard; Military draft; Sargent; Tank; U.S. Army; World War II; World War2; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Draft; Fort Knox (Ky.); Hawaii; Louisville (Ky.); Okinawa, Japan; San Diego (Calif.); Seattle (Wash.); United States. Army; World War II, 1939-1945

3:58 - Okinawa

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Partial Transcript: After 4 or 5 days it came over the loud speaker...that we were going to Okinawa...We stopped at a lot of different island all through the Pacific. We spent a whole week in the Philippines waiting for the rest of the troops to catch up with us. Then we set sail to Okinawa...And all night long they pounded the beaches with the big Naval guns and we knew we were headed for a big fight.

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses the journey to Okinawa and then the battle.

Keywords: Artillery; Flamethrower; Infantry; Invasion; Island Hopping; Naval Guns; Ship; Storming the Beaches; Tank Commander; Typhoon; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Okinawa, Japan; Philippines; United Stated Navy; United States Army; World War II, 1939-1945

13:01 - The Flamethrower / Flamethrower Battalion

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Partial Transcript: Your flamethrower, can you describe what they were like?
Flamethrower were patent by and individual, what we would do was split our 75 mm guns wide open, mount all of the flamethrower equipment in there and then add valves...

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses his use of the Flamethrower and how they were used to help win the war.

Keywords: 75mm; Artillery; Flamethrower; Infantry; M4 Tank; Napalm; Tank; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Flamethrowers--1940-1950; Fort Knox (Ky.); Okinawa; World War II, 1939-1945

20:27 - Marriage and Children / Family in Service

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Partial Transcript: Were you married at the time you were drafted?
No, I was not married...I didn't marry 52 I was married. My wife and I have a basketball team and two cheerleaders...

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses his marriage and children.

Keywords: Adoption; Brothers; Children; Grandchildren; Life After War; Marriage; Married; Post War; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Married life; Married men; World War II, 1939-1945

27:32 - Comparing Wars today to WWII on Soldiers / PTSD

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Partial Transcript: Do you think wars today are any different on the soldiers than they were...
Push Button Wars...Firing artillery, rockets...
But yet so many of them have trouble adjusting when they come back...

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses how war affects soldiers.

Keywords: Artillery; PTSD; Push Button Wars; Rockets; Training; Treatment; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Post-traumatic stress disorder; Vietnam War, 1961-1975; World War II, 1939-1945

31:20 - More War Experiences

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Partial Transcript: My driver got killed half way through the operation, and the last thing I told him before he went into the frontlines was don't get out of your tank for anything unless its on fire or you got hit and can't move...well he hadn't been got but 20 minutes or a half hour and heard on the radio...Dewitt got killed...

Segment Synopsis: Armstrong discusses more of his war experiences.

Keywords: Draft; Flamethrower; Okinawa; Pill Box; Satchel Charge; Sniper; Tank; Turrent; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Okinawa; World War II, 1939-1945