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0:00 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: It is February 23rd 2008 in Mount Sterling, right now I'm speaking with Mr. James Turley

Keywords: Bath co Kentucky; Bath co KY; Bath county Kentucky; Kentucky; Kentuckyveteran; KY; Veteran; World war 2; World war II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Kentucky; WWII

0:40 - Enlistment into WWII, training

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Partial Transcript: I went in September '43 and got out about 11 '45

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley talks of his enlistment into the U.S Navy, and his experiences throughout training.

Keywords: Basic training; California; firearm; Firearm training; Gun; Military; Morsecode; Navy; Northern California; Pilot; Pilot training; Radar; Radar technology; Radar training; San diego; Training; Veteran; World war 2; World war II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Kentucky; Navy; WWII

7:54 - Setting sail on the USS Anzio into the Pacific.

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Partial Transcript: This carrier had a great history of sinking subs

Segment Synopsis: Talks about beginning of tour on the USS Anzio, and story of wrecking plane on runway of USS Anzio.

Keywords: Aircraft Carrier; Japan; Korea; korean fisherman; Navy; Pacific ocean; Pacific Theater; Pearl Harbor; Plane wreck; USS Anzio; White flag; World war 2; World war II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Aircraft carriers; Japan.; Korea.; Navy; Pearl Harbor (Hawaii); WWII

15:24 - Mischief throughout his career.

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Partial Transcript: we had a big long barracks and some other people down there kept coming through our rooms that had air conditioning, people got tired of it so they turned the lights out and put the fire extinguisher on some of them.

Segment Synopsis: James Turley gives insight into some mischief he had witnessed in his time in the Navy, as well as a personal story of his own at Boot Camp.

Keywords: Barracks; Boot camp; fire extinguisher; Holtville CA; Joke; Mishchief; Navy; Stories; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Holtville (Calif.); Navy; War stories.; WWII

18:54 - The feeling of being enlisted, Enlistment of friends.

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Partial Transcript: Was I ever worried about getting killed?

Segment Synopsis: James leans into what made him decide to enlist, the feelings of enlisting, and reconciles on others he knew who knew from his uprising who were enlisted.

Keywords: Air Force; Bath County; Enlistment; Kentucky; KY; Montgomery County; Navy; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Navy; WWII

22:05 - The end of the War, College, Marriage.

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Partial Transcript: We were treated awfully nice, they sent me to college on a G.I bill

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley reminisces on what happened after the War, Graduating college with a Bachelors in Journalism and meeting his Wife-to-be.

Keywords: College; GI bill; Journalism; Lexington; Military; Navy; Newspaper; Pikeville; Pikeville Daily; University of Kentucky; Veteran; World war 2; World war II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: GI Bill; Military.; Navy; World War II.

26:49 - The Great Depression, Early Life.

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Partial Transcript: Nobody had any money to buy anything and worked for a dollar a day

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley gives a glimpse of The Great Depression from his perspective, and what it was like to experience it.

Keywords: Kentucky; KY; The Great Deppresion

Subjects: Great Depression; Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945

28:18 - His brother: Adrian B. Turley, and his stories.

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Partial Transcript: He had three purple hearts and two Bronze Stars.

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley tells of his brother James who also fought in the War, as well as some of his War Stories.

Keywords: Bronze Star; Europe WWII; Germany; Germany world war II; Purple Heart; World war 2; World war II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Bronze Star Medal (U.S.); Germany.; Purple Heart.; War stories.; WWII

34:45 - Butting heads with Officers and MP's throughout his Enlistment.

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Partial Transcript: It didn't have nothing to do with what the Officers needed

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley vents about how some of the Officers & MP's he encountered treated others throughout his enlistment.

Keywords: M.P; Military; Military Police; Movie Theater; Navy; Officer; officers; World War 2; World War II; WW2; WWII

Subjects: Military police.; Navy; WWII

38:38 - High School - College

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Partial Transcript: When I went to High School I only went three years

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Turley touches on his time in High school, and the College / University he attended.

Keywords: College; College courses; Cumberland College; Education; High school; Military; Transcript; University of Kentucky; University of the Cumberlands

Subjects: College; Education.; University of Kentucky

39:52 - Outro.

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Partial Transcript: Yea we better go

Segment Synopsis: This is the ending moments of the Oral History interview with Mr. James Turley.