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6:16 - Introduction and Basic Training

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Partial Transcript: Johnathan Filpot, February 23rd, 2008, 10:40 A.M. at the American Legion, with Taylor Abney, discussing military service in South Pacific.
Introduce yourself.

Segment Synopsis: Former U.S. soldier Taylor R. Abney discusses his experiences during his sixteen weeks of basic and technical training. He speaks about his time taking charge of a laundry unit that was tasked with sanitizing things such as pillow cases, clothing, etc. for the temporary hospital for the soldiers.

Keywords: Basic Training.; Fort Benjamin Harrison (Ind.); Kentville (Ca.); Soldier.

Subjects: Basic Training.; US Army.; World War II.

11:52 - Maneuvers

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Partial Transcript: Let me ask you a quick question about that -- when you were going through training, what was maneuvers like? You said it was rough, what'd they have you do?

Segment Synopsis: Abney discusses the difficulties of maneuvers training, though he has trouble remembering exact tasks he and his fellow soldiers were given. He speaks of how they were constantly busy, and how aside from his work in the laundry unit, his superiors would often have the men locate things they had placed in certain areas.

Keywords: Military.

Subjects: Combat.; Maneuvers.; Tasks.

16:07 - Locations After Training

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Partial Transcript: Where were you sent after you left training?

Segment Synopsis: Abney discusses his different locations during the war. He was first sent to Kentville, California, in order to prepare to be shipped out. When he finally was, he was sent to Luzon, in the Philippines. He says that much of the battling was over by the time he arrived, and that he and his men did not attempt to locate the enemy as infantry would. He then went to Nagoya, Japan, and was eventually discharged at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.

Keywords: Fort Sheridan (Ill.); Kentville (Ca.); Luzon (Philippines).; Nagoya (Japan).

Subjects: Field Hospital.; Shipment.

27:37 - Medals

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Partial Transcript: "Did you receive any medals?"

Segment Synopsis: Abney speaks of the medals he received after the end of the war. He is disappointed upon realizing he has left them at his home, contrary to his prior plans for the interview. He tells Filpot that he knows no one who was dishonorably discharged from their service during the war.

Keywords: Army Occupation Medal.; Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon.; Good Conduct Medal.; Philippine Liberation Medal.; Victory Medal.

Subjects: Aftermath WWII.; Medals in World War II.; U.S. Army in World War II.

29:27 - Draft Physical

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Partial Transcript: What had you heard about the war in Europe before Pearl Harbor?

Segment Synopsis: Mr. Abney discusses his failure to meet the physical requirements for the draft after his being selected initially. After a ruptured appendix, he was forced to go to the hospital and, obviously, was not fit to begin his military training. Many of his other friends were drafted as well, and after he recovered, he, too, was able to leave for service.

Keywords: Japan.; Pearl Harbor (Hawaii); World War II from original sources; World War II.

Subjects: Draft Requirements.; Draft.; Life during WWII.; Physicals.

36:30 - Time in Nagoya, Japan

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Partial Transcript: "I feel sorry for the people themselves...their city, demolished, their homes and everything."

Segment Synopsis: Abney speaks of his time being stationed in Nagoya, Japan, and reminisces. He states that the ruinous state of the city after the attacks from American planes was pitiful, and that women and children alike would run screaming from the American soldiers. He says that the men always carried candy along with them in order to soothe fear, at least in the young citizens. Abney tells of the fall from civilized life that the people of Japan had to experience after the damage their country faced.

Keywords: Aftermath.; English.; Japanese.; Nagoya (Japan.).

Subjects: Destruction caused by WWII.; Japan.; Nagoya.

38:05 - The Philippines

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Partial Transcript: Were the people in the Philippines different compared to the Americans as well?

Segment Synopsis: Abney says that the Filipinos were much more appreciative of the Americans of their presence, and that they were much more similar to the Americans as well. He says that the Filipinos were also more harshly mistreated by the Japanese, though with the damage America did to cities like Nagoya, he could understand their fear to some extent.

Keywords: Americans.; Japanese.; Luzon (Philippines).; Philippines.

Subjects: America.; Enemies during WWII.; Filipinos.; Japan.; World War II.

40:38 - Importance of History

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Partial Transcript: Why is it important to study history and the war?

Segment Synopsis: Abney states that he does not think any country benefits from war. He says that both side will lose men, citizens, and that though the war made him a better person, he does not think it is worth the loss. He goes on to explain that in every war, there will be those who win and those who do not, and we must realize that.

Keywords: Allies.; Enemies.; Politics.; World War II.

Subjects: Appreciation of sacrifices in WWII.; Change in the World after WWII.; Knowledge.