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BARBARA DRUMMOND: And it looks like everything's going well.


DRUMMOND: Okay. Um, this is Shelly Drummond, and I am talking to Diego Alberto Riviera RIVERA: Garcia.

RIVERA: Uh-huh.

DRUMMOND: And, we--it is, today is July fourteenth and we're in Bowling Green, Kentucky. And you're from Michoacan?

RIVERA: Michoacan.

DRUMMOND: Michoacan. And Morelia.

RIVERA: Morelia.

DRUMMOND: Morelia is the city. And that's where you were born, in Mexico, this is in Mexico?


DRUMMOND: Okay. Um, I have talked to Diego about the project for the 1:00International Festival and Diego's going to help me out some with doing some of the translations and introducing me to some of the people here in Bowling Green. And we've discussed the donor release. So...Alright, so when did you--before you moved to the United States, you lived Guadalajara some?

RIVERA: Uh-huh.

DRUMMOND: Okay, alright. Um, when did you move to the United States?

RIVERA: I move in to, to the United States, um, in the year is 10. January in ninety-three.


RIVERA: December, January ninety-three. I came United States and, and January, 2:00no, yeah, in January four.


RIVERA: Ninety-three.

DRUMMOND: And um, did you come right away to Bowling Green?

RIVERA: Well, not (indeterminable). I'm, I come first to Houston, Texas. Yeah, and later I move here.

DRUMMOND: And what, what brought you to Bowling Green? Or to Nashville, you first came to Nashville, right?

RIVERA: Yeah. I'm, I first come to Nashville because um, I have family.


RIVERA: I, I have family in, in--well I'm, I'm looking for a good job. There are a lot of people that's looking like this (laughs). And I come here to Bowling Green and I stay here.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. What, okay one second, we're going to pause for a second. Alright, we're back on again. Um, so what made you choose Bowling Green? To come 3:00here? So, it was a friend, right?

RIVERA: Yeah, I'm, I come with a good friend of mine and he's a um, his (indeterminable) live here and they um, they (indeterminable) "You maybe find good job here." Something and, I guess I have good job. Well my first job is in Bob Evans, it's in Nashville. And I only asking for my transfer to Bowling Green. The restaurant is Bob Evans. Then my manager he say, "Yeah, it's fine. You, you, you, you can make your transfer." And I moved here. Now I (indeterminable) (laughs).

DRUMMOND: (laughs) Did you, um were you a cook before or did you learn?

RIVERA: Yeah, well in, in Mexico, Guad--Guadalajara, when I bring in my, in my 4:00high school I (indeterminable). To the cook with a lot of chefs and one, one chef teach me a lot of different things that kind of food. Kind of different, different things the food, well. And later on thinking maybe I, I going to United States for looking something (indeterminable), different. And I'm saying, I, I, I, I'm going for taking my visa in. And, and the city de Guadalajara (indeterminable) I had want, want, want chance to come here to United States.


RIVERA: And I am accepted and this year they (indeterminable). And I come here first to the Houston. Well...

DRUMMOND: Mhmm, yeah.

RIVERA: I, I come first to the Houston, Texas and I, and I spend close to six months in Houston, Texas. And, and my sister she live in Nashville, Tennessee and she say, "Do, do you want to come with me here? Maybe do you find better job 5:00here or something." And I said, "Yes. I am accepted." And I come to the Nashville. And I, I start working. in the restaurant in Nashville.

DRUMMOND: Well do, do you like the food that you cook at, at Bob Evans? Or would you rather be cooking a different kind of food? What kind of food do you prefer?

RIVERA: Well, I'm, I like it. Well, my speciality cook the food is Mexican food.


RIVERA: Because, you know, my national, my nacionalidad is Mexican. I like Mexican food cooking. It's my special, well. I guess I know different kind of food.


RIVERA: American food, French, Italian. Yeah. And I start working in, in, in Bob 6:00Evans. In Bob, in Bob Evans it's Mexi-, it's--no, it's not Mexican food. It's, well, it's typical Mexican food sometimes, a lot..


RIVERA: ..different, different things. It's kind of supposed be Mexican. They really, really is not Mexican (laughs).

DRUMMOND: What is the similarity?

RIVERA: Oh, the similarity is um, mmm, you know the huevos con bacon, eggs.


RIVERA: Suppose this is Mexican. Tex-Mex. Bacon, eggs, and green peppers, and onions.

DRUMMOND: So it's very si-, it's very similar.

RIVERA: Yeah, it's very similar in, in Mexican food. Only the (indeterminable) is not really, really spicy.


RIVERA: Jalapeño peppers.

DRUMMOND: (laughs) They don't put that at Bob Evans.

RIVERA: Yes. And, well now I, I started thinking for find better job and all the more restaurant, big one or, you know.



RIVERA: I want to try finding big hotel and some, somewhere in the city. Yes, and I'm waiting.

DRUMMOND: (laughs)

RIVERA: I like my job and I'm waiting.



DRUMMOND: Well when you first came to um, to the United States, could you speak English, or?

RIVERA: Um, not really. The first time is really, really impossible for me to learn English because my accent is not, is Mexican real, I guess. Yeah. And the first time I, I don't speak English nothing. And I tried going to the school for three months. And well, usually I, I learn English with talking with people in work, talking with different kind of people in work and my managers teach me English. And I usually I tried talking, talking, talking, and talking. And it's 8:00really, really, really hard my first year. My year is really, really, really hard because a lot of people is asking me, "What are you saying?" (laughs). When I going to be eat some place I always asking, "Somebody speak Spanish?"

DRUMMOND: (laughs)

RIVERA: Because it's really, really hard for me say in English something question or asking for something. Well, usually a lot of things are really simple. Similar to Spanish. The expressions in English, a lot of words is similar to Spanish. And the others is not. Well, I always find with people...(laughs)


RIVERA: ...good people is transfer to me to English. And later into more years I guess I'm, I'm learning a little more. And now I, I have close to four years, 9:00years and I guess my English is a little better. Yeah. The first time for a lot of people is really, is really, is really hard. They like me.


RIVERA: The first time. Usually they all, they, all these people come to the United States not, not speaking words.

DRUMMOND: In your experience in Bowling Green, um, there's not a lot of, I mean, there's a few people that speak Spanish here.


DRUMMOND: They would be the Hispanic community. And do you think it's harder for people in Bowling Green than like Houston, or?

RIVERA: Uh, well I guess the first time, yeah, it's, it's hard because it's not as, it's not, it's not a lot of communication easy with somebody, you know.


RIVERA: A lot is coming people to work here, to Bowling Green because it's better or something. It's uh, it's good jobs. Only, it's not too many Mexican people to help for something. And the first time, yes, is really, really, 10:00really, really, really hard for these people. Well for me, too because I include in this. Well, I guess my, my English is a little better than the first time. Well, a lot of people they don't speak nothing and it's really, really, really hard to start learning here and different kinds of work....


DRUMMOND: How do you think people manage if they don't speak English? To get a job and...

RIVERA: Well, I had one, one experience in, in Houston, Texas. I had there, there, there a friend of mine, here name is Delayla, she's from Mexico, too. She's um, she's um, she's working in Kentucky Fried Chicken. The first time, the first month she's um, (indeterminable) only cook. Later--well, the point is because she speak English really, really, really good she's learning, learning 11:00it in Mexico first.


RIVERA: And the money that she get for the supervisor and this year, she don't know the computers or something. This not, it's really, really, really hard.


RIVERA: A lot of people say, "Stop, don't, don't go anymore because you can't because you're not from here. You can't, you can't go anymore." You know.


RIVERA: Uh, and, and she never stop and now well, she has good life. Now she's manager.


RIVERA: She's good, and doing good. Good friend. This my experience with this girl, my experience.


RIVERA: She's um, a lot of people is trying making more and, well, I suppose a lot of people is, is (indeterminable).


RIVERA: (indeterminable) is uh, is when a lot of people they try making something more, is can't because they need more, more, more English is need, more things.


RIVERA: Yeah. And they second point is because, um, sometimes a lot, a lot, not 12:00a lot of, well, some, sometimes they, the people is going to more (indeterminable) or something. And it's really hard because He's not really legal here.

DRUMMOND: Oh, yeah.

RIVERA: And it's the second point, he's not--well the first one is not legal here in United States. And he can't go in to more.

DRUMMOND: So you think a lot of people don't want to be promoted or don't want, they want to stay in a...

RIVERA: Well, uh, usually I have, the Mexican people always when it's coming to, to the United States is coming to make something. All of us. And I'm seeing a lot of hispanic people is coming here, trying making, having job, hold job.


RIVERA: And try making more, more, more, and more things, you know. A lot of people is coming here only for working maybe a few months, six months. Is making good money, is going back to the, to the, to the cities. Leave for cities. It's 13:00coming. And the other people is stay here, try making something. Good future. The fathers and the sons, you know.


RIVERA: And the others is going to school. Going to the school and making something there. Yeah.


RIVERA: I want to be some, well--maybe time is telling (laughs).

DRUMMOND: Yeah. You want to go to school?

RIVERA: Yeah. I want to go into the school and (indeterminable) is going to try to help me, you know.


RIVERA: I'm, I want to go into the, finish, finish my college.


RIVERA: Finish school year, and go into the, into the university or something. Yeah. I want to be...

DRUMMOND: What do you want to study?

RIVERA: Well, the, the first time I want to (whispers).


RIVERA: (indeterminable name) Well, my friend, now he don't have a good, good, good job and he's a lot of bills to pay (laughs).



RIVERA: And (indeterminable) and, I have, I guess I have good job for, and good price per hour.


RIVERA: And maybe later when, when he's fine with job, well, I'll try going to the school when I have opportunity, going to the school. Something to try. I want more.


RIVERA: I don't want to stay only in Bob Evans, this restaurant. I want to go more, more, more.


RIVERA: I don't want to stop.

DRUMMOND: Do you want to go to school to cook or to...?

RIVERA: No. I want different, different kinds of thing. I like everything.

DRUMMOND: You like everything (laughs).

RIVERA: I like the, the, the all things and I want to go into the, you know, to the--what is it?

DRUMMOND: Um, to cut hair? Yeah, thats it. Hair stylist.


RIVERA: Yeah. Hairstylist. I want to learn this, too because I like it. And I 15:00want something better. I guess the cook is really, really, really good work, only sometimes it's really heavy.


RIVERA: Really, really, really, really heave. And I want to try to find something better. Yeah. I want go into the school to be finish and graduation. Make it. Except, I don't know. Well, I don't want to stop.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. When you, um, when you first moved to Bowling Green what, did you notice anything in particular that...


DRUMMOND: ...gave you like an impression of it, or?

RIVERA: No. The first time I like it because it's really, really nice. Not--nice. It's small city.


RIVERA: It's really, really nice. It's quiet, it's, it's pretty. It's really, 16:00really pretty here. I guess it's better than the other cities I stayed before. And I like it here. And (indeterminable) make me excited is the university, the Western Kentucky, you know.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. Yeah.

RIVERA: I never see in Tennessee one close to my home, now I'm so really, really happy because when I'm going something, I'm going with (indeterminable) and try something practice. (indeterminable) they will come with me and I'm going and practice something. And, I don't know. I want to stay here, I don't want to move to another city. I want to stay here for, you know. I don't know.

DRUMMOND: What are your favorite things, like the, you like the university, or?

RIVERA: I want to, yeah.


RIVERA: I want to go into the university and finish and find good, good, good, 17:00good something.

DRUMMOND: And um, restaurants do you...

RIVERA: Yeah, yeah they, well, usually I like to cook all the time, yeah. I like to cook. Only, well sometimes I want to change to the other, different kind of thing from making. Yeah, I like it a lot, I like the restaurant. Yeah, it's, t's good. It's uh, it's make a good, good money uh, one cook is working in a restaurant. Except for this cook, you know, a lot of different kind of things is making good money. It's making good things. And I like it. It's good work.

DRUMMOND: And when you like--if you go out to eat, where do you like to go to?

RIVERA: Well, for when, uh, when I going to, to eat um, usually I like a good food always. I like, I always try to find one restaurant that makes good food, good, good, good food because I guess I have experience for other food.



RIVERA: And I like a good taste.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. So is there any place in Bowling Green that you particularly like...


DRUMMOND: or not, or?

RIVERA: Yes. Uh, you know the grill, Montana?


RIVERA: This big restaurant it's, it's, it's great food. Grille Montana. And, I don't know the other name. It's (indeterminable). Buffalo, buffalo, ribs and--buffalo ribs.

DRUMMOND: The, it's the buffalo?

RIVERA: The Grille Montana...

DRUMMOND: Right. It's B-W-Threes.


DRUMMOND: That's what they call it. B-W-Three (laughs).

RIVERA: (laughs)

DRUMMOND: Buffalo wings and ribs and...

RIVERA: Yes, and I like their (indeterminable). It's really, it's really good, the barbecue. Well, it's because I like this. I like the, the barbecue ribs and barbecue things. It's good. It's making good sea--uh, seasoning, too.

DRUMMOND: How is it different than, um, Mexican barbecue? Do you, or do you like...

RIVERA: Well, the Mexican barbecue is, is more spicy than American barbecue. And Mexican barbecue is real spicy. And barbecue, American is, well it's not really, 19:00really spicy. It's only sweet, more, more, more, and more sweet. And well, in Mexico the old, the all things, the barbecues and everything is made natural. It's never buy in something (indeterminable), you know.


RIVERA: In United States, you going to the Bob Evans and it's coming really, somebody make it before, it's coming really, only for throw it in the microwave and bring back. In Mexico we make it natural with spices and tomatoes and different kind of things. And (indeterminable).

DRUMMOND: Did um, do you make your own sometimes? Barbecue?

RIVERA: Yeah sometimes, yeah. Sometimes it's really, it's really simple for me because in Mexico they all kind of, the, the, things the people's make it natural. Not going to go buy somewhere because you can't buy somewhere. Except 20:00the one store they like Kroger's or something like this. Always, always the people is making natural in the home. Yeah.


DRUMMOND: Is it hard to get ingredients?

RIVERA: Yes, it's really, it's really hard because in English it's different names. Than like the Spanish, you know.


RIVERA: When I going to the Kroger's sometimes, I'm going to be looking for things. You know, baking soda. This is in English. In Spanish it's carbonato.


RIVERA: It's going in, the first times, oh my God, I really, really confused. Only I know the, the little boxes and I know how it's, how is the, the little boxes, the little boxes the things. Only it's with different name in English. Only is translate to, to, to the English. Only I know about things and sometimes I'm, I'm take it and I make it wrong because it's, it's the only things, I don't want it.


RIVERA: And I buy it because it's looking like in Mexico.


RIVERA: I am seeing, you know, and when I come and I but this and "woo," it's different. Well maybe with, and with, and with, and with more time, yeah. And sometimes it's easy because usually in, in United, in United States and--well 21:00they sometimes here, and (indeterminable) is one Mexican market.


RIVERA: And it's a lot of things de Mexico, from Mexico or Central America, the other kinds of cities. And it's good. It's good and Nashville, too is, I guess there's three, three Mexi--three markets in Mexico, in Mexican things. It's better, better, better, easy.

DRUMMOND: So it makes it a lot easier?

RIVERA: Yes, it makes it a lot, a lot, a lot easy. It's, it's, it's hard when, when you went to the other country it's, it's not, it's not just like this, something. You know, Mexican store.


RIVERA: It's really, really, really, really hard. And well, now when I want something I'm going to Mexican market (laughs).

DRUMMOND: (laughs)

RIVERA: And I take it, yes. The first time when, when I come here I, I can find 22:00somebody easy because I don't know really, really this is small city, or...

DRUMMOND: Yeah, yeah.

RIVERA: Yeah. Or this city. I don't know, this city and sometimes I'm, I'm asking for (indeterminable) or this or something, I, I, I'm going. And later he tell me is the Mexican market, Los Dos Amigos here. And I'm going to this flea market or Mexican market, you know Mexican market is bigger.


RIVERA: Mexican, uh Mexican market is really small, and I like it now. It's good.

DRUMMOND: Do um, does it, which, for like fresh--do they have fresh stuff there sometimes?

RIVERA: Yeah, sometimes it's fresh and sometimes it's imported.


RIVERA: (indeterminable) Yeah, it's imported and things. Sometimes I want to go 23:00in and buy tomatoes and green peppers and onions, this is fresh. And garlic is fresh. Well, when I go into the buy all the different kinds of meat or something it's imported, it's im-, im-, im-, imported


RIVERA: Imported.


RIVERA: Well this one I don't really like it. It's better to going to the Kroger's, so.


RIVERA: Yeah, American store for buying these things.

DRUMMOND: How, is the meat different in Kroger, like is it cut differently or does it make it harder for you?

RIVERA: Yeah. In, in, in, in Kroger's sometimes they make this really, really, really, really good. Sometimes it's not. Sometimes it's not very, well, I want it, you know. And it's good. It's good food. It's better than Mexican.

DRUMMOND: Is it...

RIVERA: In Mexican, the Mexican stores. This Kroger's is better.



RIVERA: The food is better.


RIVERA: Yeah. And the meat is better.


RIVERA: Mhmm. U-, usually in Mexico they, they, the big stores are like Kroger's. It's the people is killing the cows in the store, and--


RIVERA: (indeterminable) for making fresh the meat.


RIVERA: It's coming. You, you spray the big glass the cows and say, "This is fresh, (indeterminable), this is, is a start today, today's killing, the cow..."


RIVERA: In Mexico it's really, really different than the states. It's fresh in Mexico. In Mexico it's not a lot organic, like here, you know.


RIVERA: Organic, you know.


RIVERA: Organic, the things, the sanitizer.

DRUMMOND: Yeah, it's not as, the sanitation.

RIVERA: It's not as sanitation in Mexico. In Mexico it's a lot of people, (indeterminable) fast and making and that's it. And, and in United States it's a lot of sanitation for everything.


RIVERA: For everything. It's, I guess it's better here, mhmm.


DRUMMOND: But the meat is fresher in Mexico.

RIVERA: In Mexico it's, it's fresh. Mhmm.

DRUMMOND: Okay. Like the chicken, I know I've seen, they sell the whole chicken and you... (laughs).

RIVERA: Yeah, they give you chicken.

DRUMMOND: You ring it's neck and, and swing it, swing him around, break his neck. Yeah. How about music? To get music, Mexican music.

RIVERA: Well, over here?


RIVERA: Oh, only the Mexican, the Mexican stores, a lot of Mexican music. Well, I have Mexican music in my home here.


RIVERA: And I play sometimes. Sometimes I not, sometimes I'll play for my, my city. I'll play my, my things. Yeah. I like Mexican music and the clubs is, is not here. Clubs Mexicanos, only in Tennessee...


RIVERA: ...I guess is three or four. Excuse me, three or, or four Mexican clubs. And it's not really, really--excuse me--it's not, not really, really, really good clubs because it's, it's only four. I don't know. Always when, when I visit 26:00two or three times I never like it because usually some Mexican people--well, how I tell you--it's a lot of guys...


RIVERA: A lot of drunk guys. And, no, I don't usually like it. And a lot of, a lot of Mexican guys when, when it's come to here his, the wife is in Mexico. He's usually going to the this, this uh, clubs in Mexican music and is looking sometimes for somebody. It's a lot, a lot of girls, you know. It's not usually. Well, when, when I want to hear Mexican, Mexican music, well, I going to the stores. In Mexico is one big stores, lot, lot of (indeterminable) music.


RIVERA: It's a lot of music in Spanish. A lot of different kinds of music. And...


DRUMMOND: In Mexico there are places that are not, like, clubs where you hear the music? Or get together?

RIVERA: Yeah, in Mexico it's, it's, it's really nice clubs.


RIVERA: Really, really, really nice clubs, yeah for listening to music, and Mexican music.


RIVERA: Really, really nice clubs. And you is going, you and, you have a good time because it's uh, it's, it's not, it's not for all people is going for drinking or start drunk, no.


RIVERA: Somebody's drinking mostly four cups, is make something different things. The secret is taking out because it's not, it's not the point is only for going to enjoy dance the Mexican music.

DRUMMOND: And um, do families go these?

RIVERA: Well, no, not, not usually because I guess my (laughs), well my families don't like it really, really a lot of music.


RIVERA: My family's dedication to the country, the country farms a lot of things 28:00in the country, you know. It's, I guess it's never have time for going to the, to the, this place. Well, my, my dad he have CDs and Mex-, Mexican music. A stereo, things for listening to music.


RIVERA: He never usually going to the, the, these clubs or something.

DRUMMOND: How do you think--like what do you wish Bowling Green had that you could go to? That would be...

RIVERA: Well um...

DRUMMOND: Just for, entertainment, for fun. What do you really wish Bowling Green had?

RIVERA: I like in Bowling Green more here from, for going. And I like the lakes, the big lakes is here for relax, for have a good time. I like the lakes.


RIVERA: And Bowling Green had one big lake, you know.


RIVERA: Big lake. It's really, really, really nice place for relax, enjoy. And have good restaurants, too.



RIVERA: Yeah. Have good restaurants. And the mall is, is nice. The mall is nice. And when I'm bored I'm going to the mall and I enjoy talking and watch the things. And I like the big libraries, it's on the street, it's Campbells, Camp-, Campbells.

DRUMMOND: Campbell Street?


DRUMMOND: Oh, the--

RIVERA: The book, it's a store.

DRUMMOND: Barnes and Nobles.

RIVERA: Oh, yes. Nice, this store.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm, it is.

RIVERA: They sell the books. And I like it. Sometimes I, when I, when I want I, I, I going and I have good time at this bookstore. For the books. See the different kinds of books. They all, I guess, the all (indeterminable).


RIVERA: You know. Yeah, this is my favorite things I like here. And...

DRUMMOND: If um, what do you, if--what do you miss that Bowling Green doesn't have?

RIVERA: Well, not, not, not, I usually miss nothing because Mexican is food, it's restaurants Mexicans here.



RIVERA: The, the Mexican music is here, too. Um...


DRUMMOND: Where, where is that? The mariachi band that they have, or?

RIVERA: It's the Los Pepes Mexican restaurant, it's um...And it's in, (indeterminable). It's Los Pepes and Puerto Vallarta. It's two different place, Puerto Vallarta and, and (indeterminable) the Mexican food. Good, good Mexican food. Puerto Vallarta (laughs).

DRUMMOND: Is it similar to the food that you would want to make?





RIVERA: It's close to similar food in the Mexican, the Mexican food. Yeah because they make the salsa and you know, it's salsa with green peppers, it's hot, it's spicy, and cheese. It's like Mexican.


RIVERA: It's good. And the all kind of food, the chile rellenos, and taquitos. It's like Mexican, yeah.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm, good, good.

RIVERA: Yeah, it's good. It is good. And Los Pepes is, is like the same. Only 31:00it's a lot, lot, a little more American things.


RIVERA: It's not really, really like the Puerto Vallarta. Yeah it's, well, these people maybe try make it good.


RIVERA: Good, and good work for making, making Mexican food.


RIVERA: Yeah, it's good.

DRUMMOND: Did, um--so tell me a little bit about how you grew up. Like what you did when you were gro-, a little boy.

RIVERA: When I was a boy.

DRUMMOND: You lived in the country?

RIVERA: Oh, yeah (laughs).

DRUMMOND: Did you?

RIVERA: Yeah well, when I really, really, really young, well when I--I remember when I was five years or four years I live in the big country. Yes, only my house is not, is no more house. It is, it is more houses when you driving two hours or...Well this time it's not, it's not usually cars. Usually horses (laughs).


RIVERA: Usually horse and these time. And in Mexico it's uh, in this part when, 32:00where I live it's a lot, you know, the artesanías.

DRUMMOND: Art-, artesanías.

RIVERA: It's the old things.


RIVERA: A lot, you know the Maya, the...

DRUMMOND: Ruins. Like...

RIVERA: The ruins.

DRUMMOND: Rueños, yeah.

RIVERA: The ruinas, yeah, a lot of ruinas, they close and, and closing, and close to my home. Only, well a lot of people they usually tell you, "Don't, don't go in the there because a lot, a lot of people is the, a lot of spirits is, is looking (telephone rings) always fright, to scare you or something."

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. Okay, we're going to pause for a phone call here. I took the pause from the phone call, and used it to flip the tape so we can talk without being--having to flip the tape. But...So you were telling me about the ruins and how people didn't go to them.

RIVERA: Yes. Well, usually my aunt and my grandmother...


RIVERA: She always telling, she and then, she always telling me, "Don't go in the there because it's a lot of spirits is, is in there, in, in this places. It's maybe you scare." And sometimes I, I going with my grandmother and she teach me, she said, "This is the old people is Mayas," and she said, "This place 33:00is for the Zapoteca." She is saying this time, when it's coming the Españoles to be making the conquista.


RIVERA: You know, conquista.


RIVERA: To here. And it's, it's, it's really, it's really, really pretty and really, really old. I remember she have a, she have one little, little things, little, little bowls. She say it's for the, from the, the (indeterminable). Really, really, really bowls. Pretty. For making, for putting flowers and making things.


RIVERA: Little bowls. It's really pretty and--

DRUMMOND: She had--

RIVERA: She told me--

DRUMMOND: They were--

RIVERA: She have it.


RIVERA: She have it, they, she told me it's for a lot of years, and years, and years.


RIVERA: She have this thing. And she, she had things I, well I never seen before (laughs). She had things really, really, really old.


RIVERA: And I, and I like it when I first years because in this time I, I'm, I have good, good live. I guess. I never thinking in future or nothing. I always 34:00try and enjoy everyday that's coming. Yeah. Enjoy. My dad he has a lot of cows and a lot of horses and donkeys at this time. And I always drinking milk.


DRUMMOND: (laughs)

RIVERA: Everyday. Come on you're going to drink a glass of milk, fresh, the cow.


RIVERA: She bring a glass in the cow. She bring me the milk.

DRUMMOND: Oh, right out of the cow (laughs).

RIVERA: (indeterminable) It's really rich (laughs).

DRUMMOND: You didn't like it?

RIVERA: I never, I never like it and sometimes she say, "You need a drink because I want you making good, good boy. And good body and everything." And usually I never, I never like it. And later, well maybe with more time I'll, I'll, I like it. And, and now I start making more things in, in the country when I stay, stay seven years. I'm going with my daddy one time he say he need to 35:00take something, this ruins, ruins.


RIVERA: The ruins. He need to take something and he take a lot of things and, and this time supposed this thing, it's uh, it's uh, it's the part, the, the, the museum.


RIVERA: The museum.

DRUMMOND: For the museum.

RIVERA: Yeah, for the museum. This part and my daddy, well he never tell this time, maybe. And he (indeterminable) for sell for somebody.


RIVERA: Somebody that go to the city. And he had a good money.

DRUMMOND: So he was getting stuff from the ruins to send to the...

RIVERA: Well, it's, it's, he did because in this, and then this time never like somebody, never somebody looking for interested for this things.


RIVERA: Never, never. He is, he is probably tired de my daddy.


RIVERA: Because my daddy countries and, and (indeterminable) and my daddy country in the, in the inside.

DRUMMOND: (indeterminable)

RIVERA: My daddy, my father.

DRUMMOND: Oh, your dad is--yeah.


DRUMMOND: Your dad's country.

RIVERA: And then, then my father country. And well, it's the, it's property de, de my father. He said, "It's mine because it's in my..."

DRUMMOND: It's in his land.



RIVERA: "In my area these things is, is mine." Well, sometimes uh, one day he, uh, he's going to the Morelia en Guadalajara, he tell, he's, he find a lot of 36:00different things the, for the, for the museum.


RIVERA: And this part. And, I guess...He say one day, uh, "One is coming, five guys with a lot of things, you know these for detectors for the gold and...


RIVERA: ...silver. These checking all the (indeterminable). And one guy he, he, he find one, one something, I don't remember...It something old and gold.


RIVERA: For the, and for the (indeterminable).


RIVERA: this part. Yeah.


RIVERA: And he give for my father a lot of little money for this thing and supposed because he's the, the, the de my father's things. And this things, always when somebody have something that's only mine, nobody take it because it's mine. Somebody take it...


RIVERA: ...I usually be (indeterminable) or something.


RIVERA: Nobody take it. And these guys, he, and he take it supposed to be for the, for the Mayas ladies when they young.



RIVERA: Sometimes he's using this one and, and, and the chest. It's the sun.

DRUMMOND: Oh, it's one of the suns.

RIVERA: Yeah, the sun.

DRUMMOND: For the young Mayan...


DRUMMOND: ...women to wear as a, like a necklace.

RIVERA: Yeah. And this, this time he's, he's getting from my father and, and one day in my, my mother u-, usually she, she's always going to the washing for things.


RIVERA: She always like these, the architec-, architectonic, you know.


RIVERA: It's uh, architectonic is um--she always looking for things because she always like to have things in, in the home. The old things, the old...

DRUMMOND: Okay. Like antiques, or...


DRUMMOND: ...or like

RIVERA: And, yes, the antiques. The antiques. And she always going and she find a lot of things, a lot of things. They, the, for drink water and things.


RIVERA: And she take it. And, and, and one day when I twelve years, it's coming 38:00a lot of turistas, turistas.


RIVERA: And this time. Well it's coming a lot, a lot of people well a lot of different things and it's making for this. And talking for, talk, talking with my father, how much he made for buy this, this, this part. Because he's make, he's try making something, something good. A lot of things.


RIVERA: And, and...

DRUMMOND: He was trying to make like a park, or?

RIVERA: Uh, he's trying to make it, well not like a park. It's, this, this guys is trying make it work. Trying to take the old things, make it renew for, supposed it's for the people that's coming later.


RIVERA: More turistas is coming to check this and something.

DRUMMOND: So make like a museum and...



RIVERA: A lot, yeah, a lot, yeah. Usually like this. And I, well, now I think that this crazy. And this time it stayed four guys and two ladies.



RIVERA: And it's, I'm talking the year the seventy-, seventy seven I guess.


RIVERA: The nineteen seventeen seven, nineteen seventy eight. Yeah and this, 39:00and, and this year and--I remember this one time is coming with a little cars and a lot of tractors.


RIVERA: For make the a lot of things, and I don't know what is this.

DRUMMOND: To um, a maddox.


DRUMMOND: It's a maddox, a pickaxe.

RIVERA: Yeah, a maddox, pickaxe.

DRUMMOND: To dig out stuff.

RIVERA: Uh-huh. For make a lot of things and--these people is working close to one month and then this part the one month is, is working. And I don't know later, I don't know what happened later these people left. They never came back.

DRUMMOND: And did they pay your father?

RIVERA: Well usually one, uh, one guy he's give for my father dollars? No, no 40:00it's not dollars. I don't know, he give something money but I don't remember (indeterminable). Supposed this, this, this people is going for he did try for to sell for the people the, the United States.

DRUMMOND: Uh-huh. They were taking it to the United States?

RIVERA: You know Laredo, Texas? Laredo, Texas or New, New Mexico?


RIVERA: A lot of people this. Yeah. Is going. I never know before the Houston or something. I, I know only the Laredo, Texas, the New Mexico.


RIVERA: The Rio, de rio (indeterminable).


RIVERA: It's in--a lot of these things. And these people they left when I, when I maybe thirteen. These people they left. It's never come back anymore.

DRUMMOND: Did um, was your grandmother still alive when this was going on?


DRUMMOND: And was she angry?

RIVERA: Well she, she really, really don't like these people. She said these people is because my, my grandmother she had a lot grand, grand, (indeterminable) before the a lot of, a lot of--she, she always take a lot of 41:00things for the, not forget. She always say...


RIVERA: ...different, different religion.


RIVERA: She say the Mayas and different things these...She was a little sick maybe (laughs).

DRUMMOND: Well, it's, she believed in it.


DRUMMOND: That's what she believed.

RIVERA: She believed this because she told me when, when the, when the sometimes when it's coming the eclipses, you know...


RIVERA: ...when coming the eclipses? Supposed the Mayas is kill one lady, one young lady. Vir-, virgin.


RIVERA: For gift. Because these people they thinking when it's coming the eclipse is it, it's, it is very, very, very dark.


RIVERA: These people is think it is start dark all the time. All the life forever.


RIVERA: And these people when it's coming the eclipse, it's take the one virgin lady, young lady, the virgin.


RIVERA: Seventeen or sixteen and gift for, for this, for this, this thing. Aye (laughs). Yeah...

DRUMMOND: Did she, was she Mayan, or?


DRUMMOND: Your grandmother?

RIVERA: It's Mayan. And my mother, too.


RIVERA: Yeah. My, my mother is, is from the indigenas.



RIVERA: Indigenas Mayas, yeah. And my dad he's from Spain, Español.


RIVERA: Mhmm. Yeah. And it's makes it good (laughs)...


RIVERA: ...these things. And yeah, my grandmother she's Maya and I remember the, my grandmother, the other grandmother, she's uh, from the Zapotecas Mayas...


RIVERA: ...and these things. Yeah. Because I remember in these years Mexico City is really, really small.


RIVERA: And, and the nineteen seventy five, nineteen seventy five really small Mexico City. And Morelia, well that is really small countries. It's like it, there is more countries now. Nobody know these things.


RIVERA: Now it's, it's big and this part where, where, where I lived when I was five years or four years, now it's, it's touristic all this part.


RIVERA: Yeah, it's really good. And I remember when I fourteen my daddy he put it for sale, the country.



RIVERA: And a lot of things because it's always, it's a lot of people is coming to check out these, these, these things, these ruins.


RIVERA: And always my daddy he don't like this. And he put it for sale this part.

DRUMMOND: So he sold the ruins?

RIVERA: Yeah, he sell it and the, and the, the government, the state he buy from my daddy these things.


RIVERA: And my daddy he's have maybe good money in this time and he buy big house in the, in, in, in the city. A lot of big things, all new things. Because...


RIVERA: the, in the countries usually a lot of things I never, people use it in the, in the city. In the city he buy new things, you know, a lot of stuff, the things. And my grandmother she live close...


RIVERA: the, the, the this part. And she never wanted for sale nothing.

DRUMMOND: She didn't want him to...

RIVERA: She, she don't want it. She said she's there and then this part, and she don't want to left for anywhere. She want to stay in this part and, yeah. It's true.

DRUMMOND: That's where she was born and raised?

RIVERA: Where she's born and she, yeah.


DRUMMOND: What, um, what--I know that there are different, May-, Mayans...

RIVERA: Mayas?


DRUMMOND: Which kind of--yeah. Which kind of--there are like different names...

RIVERA: It's, it's uh, it's, it's Mayas. It's uh, it's in, it's in Xochimilco de Mayas.

DRUMMOND: Xochimilco.

RIVERA: Xochimilco. Y Los Zapotecas.

DRUMMOND: Right, right.

RIVERA: Yeah, Aposecas and Chichimecas.

DRUMMOND: Yeah, Chich-, yeah, right.

RIVERA: Chichimecas, sí es los, um...

DRUMMOND: And K'iche', right?


DRUMMOND: K'iche'? K'ichi'? Maya?

RIVERA: Uh, it's uh...

DRUMMOND: It's in Guatemala, I think.

RIVERA: Oh, it's in--I guess it's in, it's in, it's in Guatemala?


RIVERA: Oh. I don't really remember this, this really part, you know.


RIVERA: I know a lot, a little part de, de Mexico and, and--well I know more because I always see the, the books, the, the history de Mexico history. And I see in these books and I like it and...I know a lot of different, different names and the all history when it's coming the Españoles to the...



RIVERA: the Mexico. It's killing a lot of people, it's taking, taking Mayas and ladies for wives and...


RIVERA: ...and moving to the for, Spain, you know.

DRUMMOND: And these you learned from your grandmother, the stories?

RIVERA: I learned from my grandmother, yeah. Always she, she told me when I'm six years old, seven years. She al-, she al-, she always telling me. And she say, "Don't go under there because this, this, the spirits is taking your, your heart out and use that over there. Don't go into see nothing." And well, I'm scared sometimes when I, when I walking, walk close to this part. I'm afraid, my body like cold because she tell me always it's really...

DRUMMOND: So you could feel like a cold...

RIVERA: Yeah. Cold because she always tell me the, the spirits. And she tell me always, she's talking, she's speaking with the spirits.


RIVERA: She always tell me. She know about how are they. You know, the old...

DRUMMOND: The gods? The old gods? The...

RIVERA: Yeah. She know about, about all the different religions before a lot of 46:00people is making, is there making for the gods.


RIVERA: She make it for the other things, and she, she always tell me she's talking with, with these people when she sleep. She's talking with these people and, yeah. Well, usually--

DRUMMOND: Do you remember much of these? Stories, or?

RIVERA: Well, not, not usually, no (laughs).


RIVERA: I may see one move in morning and, and talking and asking for, for my mother. She know this, she always telling me. And my father, my father now is, uh, seventy one years.


RIVERA: And she told me when, he told me when, uh, when he's ten, eleven years he tell me the, all this stuff, these things. And, yeah he told me when he's uh, he say when he's eighteen or nineteen the people these, they cover these things, 47:00clothes, this thing clothes de Mayas.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. Right.

RIVERA: And these people is having this tra-, tradition. And now it's stay, this tradition only not, not usually the people who use this, this clothes every, all, everyday, you know.


RIVERA: Usually only in twelve de, de December is this celebration de Virgen de Guadalupe in Mexico.

DRUMMOND: It's the twelfth of December?

RIVERA: Yeah, twelfth of December is the Virgen de Guadalupe, Guadalupe. A lot, a lot of people is trying to remember these things de Mayas, Zapotecas, Aztecas. Lot of people who use these things, the clothes, and a lot of fruits in the hair, hat things, you know.

DRUMMOND: And they wear the hat, and that's when they wear the traditional clothes like the huipiles and stuff...


DRUMMOND: that, yeah. Do they do that here in the United States?

RIVERA: Well, no. Except the one, uh, one day I, I see one (indeterminable word) in, in California, you know.



RIVERA: Because in California it's like a lot of Mexican people.


RIVERA: In California is one street, it's a lot of different, different kinds of pictures de Aztecas, de Zapotecas.


RIVERA: In the, in the, in the wall, the busy street. A lot, a lot--I don't remember which name, this street in California.


RIVERA: It's a lot different kinds of things de los Aztecas. Do you want, I saw you one book I have...

DRUMMOND: Okay, yeah.

RIVERA:, from Mexico.

DRUMMOND: Yeah, sure.

RIVERA: Do you want to see?

DRUMMOND: Yeah, sure.


DRUMMOND: It started raining again.


DRUMMOND: When did you learn to drive?


DRUMMOND: When did you learn to drive? You rode horses when you were...

RIVERA: This is it. December twelfth.

DRUMMOND: Oh, okay.

RIVERA: You know. When is it de la, de la Virgen de Guadalupe. A lot of people 49:00is trying to make it. She's Maya, supposed, in this, in this picture.


RIVERA: This people is trying to make it. And No-, November two...


DRUMMOND: Alright, this is...

RIVERA: Do you want to take it with you? You can take it.

DRUMMOND: Oh, no that's okay.

RIVERA: You take more, more things.

DRUMMOND: Yeah, well this is the, is the August ninety-six National Geographic. On this...And that's the picture there. That's great.


DRUMMOND: That's beautiful.

RIVERA: Yes. It's the--

DRUMMOND: Do you miss these things?

RIVERA: Virgen de Guadalupe.

DRUMMOND: Oh, right.


DRUMMOND: Right, right, I see.

RIVERA: Uh-huh.

DRUMMOND: You miss this stuff?



RIVERA: It's really, really, really, really pretty. They--all the people is going to the, to the big church. These things in the, in the, in the front is big part. Big one, big one part. A lot of people is thing different kinds de countries, these things.


RIVERA: Different, different things. Well the other thing is in, in Mexico the celebration de November two. The people is dead. Suppose a lot, a lot of people is say--well, listen to this in this part. November two.

DRUMMOND: That's uh, Día de Los, de Los Muertos, right?


RIVERA: Sí. It's over here.


RIVERA: A lot of people is usually going to the cemetery in the night for, for, for they stay all night with (indeterminable word) these people is dead because suppose--you don't want to go in and you ignore this. This, this dead people is coming and try and making things when you sleep. It's (indeterminable) or making things....

DRUMMOND: Oh, so the--

RIVERA: You know?

DRUMMOND: So you need to--

RIVERA: (Talking over each other).


RIVERA: This is make it--this is, this is from the, the Morelia, close to Morelia, Pátzcuaro. It's in the Lago de, de (indeterminable).


RIVERA: (indeterminable) is in this part. Yeah, it's a lot, a lot of people that usually is going.

DRUMMOND: This is exactly...Huh. This is where you're from.

RIVERA: Yes, Michoacán.



RIVERA: Yes. Yeah, because I have this book because I, I like it.

DRUMMOND: Mhmm. Did--when you, um...When did you learn to drive, or when did people drive if they--you said, let me make sure this is right.


DRUMMOND: Is that most the time when you were growing up people were using horses.

RIVERA: Well, usually you learning to drive when, when the, when Mexican people is come, is coming to the United States, it's usually, it's learning to drive here because it's not, it's not horses here (laughs).


RIVERA: (Indeterminable). And I don't know driving before, and I'm learning here. Yeah.

DRUMMOND: Oh, you learned here?

RIVERA: Yeah. I learn here and usually the all people is coming to here, the other countries, learning here. Driving here, yeah. Because in Mexico it's, the people that have cars is only rich people.

DRUMMOND: Oh. So they learn--

RIVERA: Usually in Mexico using horses. They're like the cars.

DRUMMOND: Well do you um, do you have any stories that you want to share about 52:00your experiences here or Bowling Green, or?

RIVERA: Well in, in, in Houston, Texas when I started drive, uh, learning to driving the first time, it's really, really, really crazy because she teach me, my sister, she always say, "Come on, hurry up. You need learning because you need going to driving to your work." And I really, really scared. I never think of driving one car and I say, "No, no, I never got it, I never got it." She say, "You got it, you got it. Come on, come on. You got it. You can." And the, the first time she teach one big car, big one, and I (laughs) I'm scared. I'm thinking I take one house.

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: And by myself and I'm driving one big house. You know, this big car. And, and I said three--and she teach me three days, or four days and I learn (indeterminable), and she--the other five day she say, "Well, I need to go into 53:00work tomorrow and I take the other truck and you take this car for your work. Nobody get ride for you." And this time, I remember when (laughs) it's twelve and I didn't work until three. It's start one headache in my head because I'm really, really scared to take the car. It's headache, headache. It's one o'clock and I'm feeling...

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: ...a lot of stress. And I don't know how to make it. Ay-ay-ay. And later when it's two thirty I said, "Okay, it's the, it's the time." My body was really cold.

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: Really, really, really cold. I take the keys and--ay-ay-ay. I see people--and I don't want nobody see me how I'm take the car because I am really, really scared. My, my leg is shaking.

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: No, no, no, no, I'm really, really scared this time. And I take the car 54:00and she put the car really, really, really, really easy only, she took the parking off, only for I take it. And I'm going. She say, "Go in for this and remember try a little. Don't make it too much. A little, a little, a little." For the, for the, for the, take the turns.



RIVERA: To the (indeterminable), a little.


RIVERA: You know. And, "Okay." And I'm, this time I going to my work and I don't know how I make it, only I, I didn't work.

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: And I don't know, later I'm thinking "how?" I don't know.

DRUMMOND: (Laughs)

RIVERA: Yeah. And the problem is the second time I need to go back home later.


RIVERA: In the night. I don't know. All my (indeterminable) in the work, I make a lot of miss things.


RIVERA: Ay-ay-ay. And because I need to go back to the home. And this time I 55:00have bad dreams. No, no, a lot of bad dreams because I remember thinking, "I'm driving."


RIVERA: A lot of people it's common to like me. And a lot of people is driving for three months, bad. And, and I have only one, one week and the second week I am driving good.

DRUMMOND: Oh! Well good.

RIVERA: Yeah. Now I'm good. And my sister, well, she's telling me the first time a lot of people have the, have the accident...


RIVERA: ...first because they're scared.


RIVERA: He's never driving something. And my sister she had the accident on the first time. Not, not really, really, really bad.


RIVERA: She only pushed the other car in the parking because she's confused, maybe. She tried push the breaks and she put the other. She's going quickly, she put the breaks late. She pushed the other car. And this is, this is not, this is not the point. A lot of people, Mexican people, is coming here and we try 56:00learning driving. A lot of people is driving good the first time. And these people is never know the insurance or something.


RIVERA: Because in Mexico it's, it's nothing, this.


RIVERA: Only insurance for the life in Mexico, that's it. It's not, it's nothing happen for this, you know. For the insurance of the car, the companies. Yeah, for a lot of people it's really, it's really hard. For me it's hard only one week. Really, really, really hard. Later--

DRUMMOND: But now you feel comfortable? You've got your own car...

RIVERA: No, no right now. I like it.


RIVERA: I like the driving. Well, not really, really I like it, it's not really, really driving. I hate driving. I don't like the driving. Nothing. I'm driving because I need it.


RIVERA: I don't like the driving. I'm driving because I need it going to my work. Going for this or going for this place. Usually I never like the driving.


DRUMMOND: But you like horses?



RIVERA: I like it. It's better. Because it's like (indeterminable). It's not speaking. It's making the same things. And I keep going for this way, it's going easy.


RIVERA: Not using my hands or something.


RIVERA: It's good. Really simple.

DRUMMOND: Well, I think we need to um, conclude the interview now. I may talk to you later, would that be okay?

RIVERA: Yes, yeah sure.

DRUMMOND: Okay. We can do more.


DRUMMOND: Um, so thank you very much and um, and I'll stay in touch with you.

