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Interview Summary

Grandfather was born in Texas and worked in the oil field.

Is of French and Dutch ancestry on mother’s side

Father was Hugh Michael Taylor, mother was Paula Fay Martin Taylor

Has two sisters, Kimberly Michaele (??), and Michaele Dawn Taylor

Father sang in gospel group, Taylor was exposed to music at an early age

Listened to music at Rosine festivals, wanted to learn to play the mandolin

Started going to Bratcher's Grocery to play with the musicians and learn from them

Father was a Methodist preacher.

Liked Bluegrass the most because it is more complicated since you have to pick more, also and also has fond memories of this style from his childhood

Plays drums and played in band for a while and then left the music industry to study chemistry

Was a fairly successful professional musician, winning several contests

Bluegrass music is a hobby, been going to the grocery to play for three months

Received his instrument for birthday, plays the mandolin

Discusses various types of mandolin shapes

Feels at home at the grocery, he grew up with the people and even worked with some of them

Says they provide feedback on playing techniques and are accepting of musicians from all ability levels

Need more time to practice, can read some music, not taught notes because there was a concern he might lose his rhythm

Most often plays by rhythm

Says the people who play at the grocery are good Christian people, go to church regularly and are hard-working people

Dad works in human resources for the Butler County local government

Father cannot play instrument, but has a fairly nice voice, was in the choir in college

Father sings in church accompanied by the piano, group broke up due to prolonged illnesses after six years together

Like banjo and mandolin best

Banjo champion Chris Geary plays at the grocery

The grocery has been offering chances to play music there for about a year

Sometimes people from other areas come there to play
