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Transcriber’s Notes:Words or phrases in found brackets represent unclear or unintelligible portions of the recording. Brackets are also used to provide the reader with helpful background information about the recording. Underlined text within the transcription represents more than one person speaking at the same time.

[Recording begins in mid song]

Interviewer:Is that a new piece or an old one?

Bailey:That’s an old one.

Interviewer:That’s a good one. “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss.”

Bailey:[ 1:00—1:37 Plays “Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss.”]

Interviewer:“Sopping the Gravy.”

Bailey:[1:40--- 3:05 Plays “Sopping the Gravy.”]

Interviewer:Is that a new tune or an old tune?

Bailey:I just heard it down at Rough River and down in there. It’s old I imagine. It’s come out of the south.

Interviewer:I am not familiar with that tune. Just for a little bit it sounds like “Eighth of January.”

Bailey:Yeah, it’s a, I don’t play it exactly like they do. It’s just my version of the way I learned it from.

Interviewer: uh-hmm. “Georgiana Mourning?”

Bailey:Okay, now that’s one Clayton McMichen wrote.

Interviewer:oh okay.

Bailey:[3:36--- 5:01 Plays Georgiana Mourning.”]

Interviewer:“Walking In My Sleep.”

Bailey:[5:06---6:18 Plays “Walking In My Sleep.”]

Interviewer:“Saint Ann’s Reel.”

Bailey:[6:23--- 7:36 Plays “Saint Ann’s Reel.”]

Interviewer:Now play [unintelligible].

Bailey:[7:40--- 8:49 Plays unknown song.]

Interviewer:Where did you find that tune?

Bailey:[Voice too soft, unintelligible].

Interviewer:I have never heard that before. It’s a pretty reel. “Under the Double Eagle.”

Bailey:Howdy Forrester plays that reel.

Interviewer:Oh he does. Howdy.

Bailey:[Unintelligible]. Here’s the “Double Eagle.”

[9:13--- 2:00Plays “Under the Double Eagle.”]

Interviewer:“New River Train.”

Bailey:[ 3:00 --- 4:00Plays “New River Train.”]

Interviewer:“Up the River.”

Bailey:[ 5:00 6:00Plays “Up the River.”]

Interviewer:[Unintelligible song name]


Other Voice:Do you want a little break here?

Bailey:[ 7:00 --- 8:00Plays unknown song]


Bailey:“Birdie.” Bet you never heard that one.

Interviewer:I know it’s in C.

Bailey:[ 9:00 --- 10:00Plays “Birdie.”]

Interviewer:[Chinese] Breakdown]

Bailey:[ 11:00 --- 12:00Plays [Chinese] Breakdown]

Interviewer:Where did you learn that tune?

Bailey:I’ve known it a long time. It was one of them back there learnt when I was young.

Interviewer:Is that right?

Bailey:Yeah. Is that all of them?

[Tape recorder is turned off and back on again. Recording begins again mid sentence]

Bailey:on A.

Interviewer:You’ve got them on A? Why don’t’ you cross the strings there so we can here them?

Bailey:[Plucks the strings]

Interviewer:Sounds like a bell doesn’t it?

Bailey:Yeah they played a lot of pieces that a way, old time fiddle players did. I wish I would have learnt more of them, but I didn’t. Didn’t learn these too well, but I will play what little I can.

Interviewer:Please do.

Bailey:[ 13:00 ---- 14:00Plays in alternate tuning]. Well okay we’ll try this “Drunken Hiccup.”

[ 15:00 --- 16:00Plays “Drunken Hiccup.”]

Interviewer:I always wondered how you ended that tune. That’s how you do it.

Bailey:Okay, here’s “The Bell Cow.” [Laughs]. Used to play that though.

[ 17:00 --- 18:00Plays “the Bell Cow.”]

Interviewer:You win!

Bailey:I think we played them all.

Interviewer:I think we did it. We did it.

Other Voice:How many did you do today?

Interviewer:Let’s see, we did---

Bailey:Four hundred.

Interviewer:We did thirty that time and came back and went up here did fifty before lunch. And then we came over here and we did sixty seven after lunch, but you have to remember, the other day---I am going to take this and Xerox it and put the other ones with it. And the other day we did, well I don’t have a total count on them. I just have---oh what, forty or fifty?

Bailey:Well, we got over a hundred and fifty then.

Interviewer:There’s over a hundred and fifty.

Bailey:Well, I’ll be.

Interviewer:Isn’t it exciting?

M.Bailey:No because I think I’m [unintelligible]. [laughing].

[Many voices talking and laughing].

[ 19:00Recording Ends].
