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Transcriber’s Notes:Words or phrases in found brackets represent unclear or unintelligible portions of the recording. Brackets are also used to provide the reader with helpful background information about the recording. Underlined text within the transcription represents more than one person speaking at the same time.

Additional Transcription Notes: This tape was created by David Sizemore for the Interviewer. The bluegrass band playing on the songs midway through the tape is the Gum Branch Heartbreakers. No other information about the musicians was provided.

Sizemore:Boy playing the guitar is I and Mike Hall.

[:39---- 2:44 Plays song]

Sizemore:“Down Yonder.”

[3:06 ---5:36 Plays “Down Yonder.”]

Sizemore:“Stone Mountain Rag,” now.

[5:43--- 8:57 Plays “Stone Mountain Rag.”]

Sizemore:“Old Joe Clark.”

[9:09---- 1:00Plays “Old Joe Clark.”]

Sizemore:“Coo-Coo’s Nest.”

[ 2:00 --- 3:00Plays “Coo-Coo’s Nest.”]

Sizemore:“Crossing the Country.’[ 4:00 --- 5:00Plays “Crossing the Country.”]

[ 6:00 --- 7:00Plays unnamed song]

[ 8:00 --- 9:00Plays unnamed song]

Sizemore:“ [Unintelligible] Rag.”

[ 10:00 --- 11:00Plays song]

Sizemore:“Maple Sugar.”

[ 12:00 --- 13:00Plays “Maple Sugar.”]

Sizemore:Doing this tune right here.

[ 14:00—30: 17 Plays song, but song ends mid recording]

[ 15:00 --- 16:00Plays unnamed song.]

[ 17:00 --- 18:00Plays unnamed song.]

Sizemore:Ready? [Voice in background answers “yes.”]

[ 19:00 --- 20:00Plays unnamed song.]

[Long pause, sound of tapes being turned on and off]

[Sound of unintelligible voices talking before song begins]

[ 21:00 --- 22:00Plays song, the tape cuts out for a second at 23:00 ]

[ 24:00 --- 25:00Plays unnamed song.]

Sizemore:Now that was Gum Branch Heartbreakers that I had with me. Going to just run some of that on there for you. Might want to listen at it. It wouldn’t do without getting a good banjo tune on her for you, so I’ll get him to do one for you.

[Sounds of banjo tuning]

[47: 40--- 26:00Plays unnamed banjo song.]

[ 27:00--- Plays unnamed banjo song.]

Sizemore:Play “Cripple Creek.”

[ 28:00 --- 29:00Plays “Cripple Creek.”]

[ 30:00 --- 31:00Plays “Pretty Polly.”]

[ 32:00recording ends]
