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0:11 - Introduction

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Partial Transcript: Today is April 10th, 1985. My name is Teka Ward. I'm interviewing Maury Weedman. We are at Top House on Kenwood Hill, home of The Little Loomhouse. Our topic is Lou Tate and the Little Loomhouse.

Segment Synopsis: Ward introduces the interview by giving the date, her name, her interviewee's name (Weedman), their location, and the topic.

Keywords: John "Maury" Weedman; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Maury Weedman; The Little Loomhouse; Top House

Subjects: Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Weaving

0:27 - Personal Background

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Partial Transcript: As we begin, tell me something about you.

Segment Synopsis: Weedman explains that he grew up in Louisville and moved across the street from The Little Loomhouse when he was 16. He also explains that Lou Tate was a matchmaker, setting up his first date with his first girlfriend.

Keywords: Ellen Tenny; Hill House; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Louisville Downs; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Racetracks (Horse racing); Weaving

2:39 - Getting to know Lou Tate / Teaching

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Partial Transcript: When you first moved across the street and you saw these cabins, did you know anything about them?

Segment Synopsis: Though Weedman doesn't have very specific memories of when he first met Lou Tate, he describes some of his early experiences spending time with her and doing work at the Little Loomhouse. He says that he was never interested in weaving though. They talk a little about Lou Tate's teaching methods and her interest in history as well.

Keywords: Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: History; Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Students; Teaching; Weaving

6:18 - Lou Tate's mysterious past

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Partial Transcript: Did she ever tell you about her childhood?

Segment Synopsis: Weedman describes Lou Tate's past as mysterious. He talks about the fact that she was single her whole life. Ward asks about whether or not Lou Tate talked about Berea and her research collecting drafts.

Keywords: Berea College; Drafts; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Research; Universities and colleges; Weaving; Woolen and worsted drawing

7:45 - Building projects at The Little Loomhouse

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Partial Transcript: Michael Kirk told me that you all made some steps over here...

Segment Synopsis: Weedman describes some building projects he did for Lou Tate at the Little Loomhouse, including building steps and a retaining wall.

Keywords: L&N Railroad; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Louisville & Nashville Railroad; Michael Kirk; Steps; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Railroad companies; Railroad ties; Railroads; Retaining walls; Stairs; Weaving

8:47 - Open houses / Lou Tate's personality / Leaving home and returning for visits

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Partial Transcript: Did you ever go to any of the open houses?

Segment Synopsis: Weedman describes Lou Tate as an informal person, which made her open houses informal. He says that Lou Tate's personality was to be straightforward. He describes some of the dyeing activities that occurred at the open houses. He speaks about the importance of having The Little Loomhouse as a resource for activities while he was growing up, and then returning for visits after he went away to college.

Keywords: Betsy Dienes; LFPL; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Louisville Free Public Library; Michael Kirk; Natural dyes; Open houses; The Little Loomhouse; University of Louisville; University of Wisconsin; UofL; Vegetable dyeing

Subjects: Dye plants; Dyes and dyeing; Holidays; Kentucky—History; Libraries; Library; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Sheep; Spinning-wheel; Tie dyeing; Tie-dyeing; Universities and colleges; Weaving

13:12 - Lou Tate's matchmaking continued / Lou Tate over the years

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Partial Transcript: How did you did you find out that she had arranged to meet Ellen Tenny at Louisville Downs?

Segment Synopsis: Ward returns to the topic of Lou Tate setting up Ellen Tenny and Weedman on their first date. They then quickly change the subject to how Lou Tate changed over the years. Weedman says that he wasn't very present for all of Lou Tate's later years, but that he knows that she ruffled some feathers with her goal of trying to set up the Lou Tate Foundation. He also describes how Lou Tate told him she had terminal cancer very briskly. He says that he doesn't believe Lou Tate had much of a fear of death.

Keywords: Dying; Ellen Tenny; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Lou Tate Foundation Incorporated; Louisa Tate Bousman; Louisville Downs; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Cancer; Death; Death and burial; Foundations; Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Racetracks (Horse racing); Weaving

15:42 - Lou Tate's neighbors

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Partial Transcript: What did the neighbors think of her?

Segment Synopsis: Weedman describes some of the hostility between Lou Tate and the neighbors that she did not have a close relationship with. One neighbor thought her property looked like a dump.

Keywords: Ellen Tenny; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Neighbors; Weaving

17:10 - Potlucks and chili suppers

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Partial Transcript: Did you ever...I heard about the chili suppers and the potluck suppers, did you ever go to any of those?

Segment Synopsis: Weedman says that he only ever went to Lou Tate's chili suppers when it was just him and his closer mutual friends. He talks about Lou Tate's family chili recipe. Lou Tate would have these small suppers in Esta. Weedman describes the interior of Esta as comforting and homey.

Keywords: Bottom House; Ellen Tenny; Esta; Family recipes; Limestone fireplace; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Michael Kirk; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Fireplaces; Formulas, recipes, etc; Kentucky—History; Limestone; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Weaving

20:00 - Lou Tate's values / Lou Tate's car

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Partial Transcript: When you said that she would try to pass on values...what kinds of values?

Segment Synopsis: Weedman explains that Lou Tate's values were basic Christian values, and that he did feel that she passed those along to him. Weedman says that Lou Tate gave him her station wagon, which he drove for about a year before giving it to Michael Kirk.

Keywords: Ford; Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Michael Kirk; Ronald Reagan; The Golden Rule; The Little Loomhouse; University of Wisconsin

Subjects: Automobiles; Christianity; Christians; Kentucky—History; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Presidents; Station wagons; Values; Weaving

22:07 - Disinterest in weaving / Relationship to Lou Tate / Lou Tate's pain

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Partial Transcript: The thing that these conversations have reminded me of is that I'm sitting in the midst of all these looms and that just reminds me of how uninterested I am in weaving...

Segment Synopsis: Weedman describes how even though he spent a lot of time with Lou Tate over the course of about 10 years, he has always been uninterested in weaving. Even to that day, he says he appreciates the construction of the looms more that the weaving itself. He believes he was like a son, brother, and a friend to Lou Tate, though Lou Tate was never overly affectionate or physical. Weedman also describes the physical pain that he believes Lou Tate experienced during the last years of her life. He goes on to describe why he always had a connection with and appreciated Lou Tate despite not being interested in weaving.

Keywords: Lou Tate; Lou Tate Bousman; Louisa Tate Bousman; Pall Mall; The Little Loomhouse

Subjects: Arthritis; Cancer; Faith; Jesus Christ in the liturgy; Kentucky—History; Looms; Louisville (Ky.)--History; Pain; Religion; Soul mates; Teaching; Values; Weaving