Family Farm Oral History Project
Interview with Herb Andrews
July 4, 1983
Conducted by Ginny Scott
© 1983 Kentucky Oral History Commission
Kentucky Historical Society
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should be corroborated with the original audio recording if possible.An Interview with Herb Andrews: Scott: Well, let’s get started. If you’ll tell
me your name, when you were born, your parents name, just a background about you.Andrews: I was borned in…my parents’ name, which you want first?
Scott: Either one…your name.
Andrews: Herbert Andrews. I was borned in June 1905.
Scott: 1905. And what were your parents’ names?
Andrews: John Andrews, and my mother’s name Caroline.
Scott: Caroline, and what was her last name, her maiden name?
Andrews: When, right before she married?
Scott: Yes.
Andrews: She was a Harper.
Scott: Harper. Were they from here? Did they grow up here?
Andrews: Yes, they were from here.
Scott: Do you remember your grandparents? Remember their names?
Andrews: Yeah, one of my grandpas, and one of my grandmas, I remember. My
grandma’s name was Lindy Andrews. You’ve heard of her, ain’t you?Scott: Yes. And your grandpa?
Andrews: King Harper. I remember him, but I don’t remember neither one of the others.
Scott: They would have been quite old now, wouldn’t they?
Andrews: Yes, yes, they’d been quite old.
Scott: Well, how long have you lived on this farm, Mr. Andrews?
Andrews: About all my life.
Scott: Did your father own it?
Andrews: Yes.
Scott: He owned it. Do you know how he got it? Did he….
Andrews: He bought it.
Scott: Did he move here and buy it?
Andrews: Yes, he bought it and they moved here.
Scott: How many acres did he buy, do you remember?
Andrews: He had 56 acres in all one place.
Scott: Was this the old house?
Andrews: Yes.
Scott: The house has been here how long, do you know?
Andrews: I don’t know, I couldn’t tell you that.
Scott: Well, those logs look like they’ve been….
Andrews: It’s been here a long, long time. I was here when I was a…I grew up here.
Scott: In this house?
Andrews: Yes, this house was here. I remember when I first got big enough to
remember, I remember the house.Scott: It’s at least 150 years old.
Andrews: Well, I don’t know about 150; it’s around 100 anyhow.
Scott: Around 100. Do you still own all the land? Sold part of it off?
Andrews: No, the other children got part of it; I just got 14 acres of it.
Scott: Fourteen acres. How many children to you have now?
Andrews: I’ve got five.
Scott: Five children. And one of them lives here?
Andrews: Yes, my youngest baby stays here part of the time; he’s just in and out.
Scott: Well, when you first started farming, I guess, you grew up in this house,
you farmed, with your father?Andrews: When I first started farming?
Scott: Yes.
Andrews: Yes, I started with him.
Scott: What did you grow then? What did your father grow?
Andrews: What did he grow on the farm?
Scott: Yes, what did he grow back then, when you were a young man?
Andrews: Corn, wheat.
Scott: He grew his own, he grew wheat then to sell?
Andrews: Yeah. ( ) used to eat ( ), he had corn, and he had wheat too.
Scott: He have cattle?
Andrews: Yeah, he kept two or three head of cattle.
Scott: Hogs?
Andrews: Yeah, he had a bunch of hogs.
Scott: How’d you raise your corn then? Tell me about raising it.
Andrews: We’d just take an old mule, plow, and get out in the field. We’d clean
up big new grounds and lay off of new grounds plowing, and take them mules and work it out. Lay it off both ways, you know, and then when we plowed it, we plow it and then turn around and plow the other way and….Scott: Just cultivate it.
Andrews: Yeah, and then chop it out; it would grow up just as nice.
Scott: What about, you raised hay too, I guess.
Andrews: Yeah, yeah.
Scott: What did you do with the hay? Did you keep it?
Andrews: Fed it to the horses.
Scott: But you didn’t bale it then, did you?
Andrews: No, we just cut it and hauled it and put in the barn loose.
Scott: Never stacked any?
Andrews: Yeah, we stacked it. When we’d have a barn full, we’d put it out in stacks.
Scott: That’s hard work isn’t it?
Andrews: Pretty hard work.
Scott: [Laughing] I remember.
Andrews: Yes, it’s pretty hard work.
Scott: What about the corn? Did you pick it to feed to the mules and the cattle?
Did you sell it?Andrews: Yeah, yeah, and the hogs. No, we didn’t sell it. We kept enough stock
to use ( ).Scott: Did you pick it or cut it?
Andrews: We’d cut it and pull it off the shocks.
Scott: Shock it, and carry it in.
Andrews: Yeah, then and carry it in.
Scott: Again, that’s hard work.
Andrews: Yes, a lot of work.
Scott: Did your dad grow tobacco, at the time?
Andrews: No, he didn’t grow no tobacco at that time.
Scott: Did you, have your ever grown tobacco?
Andrews: Have I ever grown any? Yes, yes.
Scott: Did you grow any on this farm, or did you rent it?
Andrews: Yes, I’ve grown it on this farm.
Scott: Tell me about growing tobacco.
Andrews: Well, I just don’t know hardly how to commence to state it [laughs].
Scott: Start with the beds; tell me how you fixed your beds.
Andrews: We used to, we’d take and build up a big pile of brush and we’d burn
the beds, you know, then work it up, and sow it. And then we’d sow it, and then put a canvas over it until it got big enough to set. Then we finally we’d work and burned it and worked it up and put fertilize and stuff in it, and then sow it down.Scott: Sow it down. How’d you set tobacco?
Andrews: Set it by hand.
Scott: With a peg.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Wet weather.
Andrews: Yes, after a rain.
Scott: How much did it sell for then, do you remember?
Andrews: Oh…fifteen and twenty-five cents a pound.
Scott: That was hard work, wasn’t it?
Andrews: Yes, that was hard work, and didn’t get nothing out of it either.
Scott: What about now? How much is tobacco now a pound?
Andrews: How much is it a pound?
Scott: Yeah, if people sell it now, how much do they get a pound for it?
Andrews: I thinking about a dollar eighty, eighty-five cents.
Scott: That’s a big jump in the price, isn’t it?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: It’s a lot easier to raise this year, isn’t it?
Andrews: Oh yeah, it’s a lot easier to raise. You don’t…you can set out two or
three patches while you’re looking for one back then.Scott: Well did you and your dad clear this farm?
Andrews: Partly.
Scott: When you bought it, part of it was clear?
Andrews: Part of it was cleared, and we cleared…some of it’s growed back up.
Scott: Well you said your brothers and sisters got part of it.
Andrews: Yes.
Scott: Do they still own it?
Andrews: Yes.
Scott: Or they have sold it off?
Andrews: No, they still own it.
Scott: Do they live here on it?
Andrews: No, they don’t.
Scott: Do they rent it out, or just let it grow back up?
Andrews: They rent it out, rent it out awhile. And now it ain’t, it’s a growing up.
Scott: Just growing back up. Needs to be cleaned off.
Andrews: I’ve got a brother and a sister, one of my sister’s still living, the
other’s dead, but his children’s lands to fill up part of it. She’s, that woman’s, that girl’s that’s a-living, she owns her part too here.Scott: But she don’t live here?
Andrews: No, she don’t live here. Well, none of them on the place here but me.
Scott: You’re the only one.
Andrews: Yes, I’m the only one.
Scott: What do the people that are rented out to, what are they growing on it now?
Andrews: They ain’t growing anything on it now.
Scott: It’s just not hardly worth it to grow it, is it?
Andrews: No, it ain’t.
Scott: By the time you pay all your expenses, you don’t make anything.
Andrews: That’s right…no you don’t make nothing.
Scott: Well, do you still have tobacco?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Raise tobacco here. What else do you have, what else do you raise, anything?
Andrews: The boy raises a little corn, once in awhile, he don’t raise much. He
ain’t got no stock to feed it to.Scott: So you don’t run any cattle?
Andrews: No, we ain’t got no cattle. I sold out, hogs and cattle too.
Scott: Was it just, it got so expense to raise them, you just couldn’t get
anything out of them?Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: And your boy raises tobacco though and sells, still sells it here.
Andrews: Yeah. He just got started ( ) to set his out.
Scott: How much has he got?
Andrews: I think it’s supposed to be a half-acre.
Scott: Half-acre. Well, that’s a pretty good-size patch, isn’t it?
Andrews: Yeah, I don’t know, of course it won’t sell, when he puts out about a
half-acre, he’s just allowed so many pounds.Scott: We used to be allowed so many acres, or so much of an acre.
Andrews: Oh yeah, I used to have an acre.
Scott: Did you really?
Andrews: Yeah, way back when I first commenced, they allowed me an acre, but
they cut it down now.Scott: How do they figure that? How do they figure how much….
Andrews: I don’t know…it’s funny. That’s a funny thing to do. They figure you down
Scott: It seems like, well some people, some people seem to get more.
Andrews: Yes.
Scott: I talk to some people that end up with more pounds than what they’d had
originally, and some people end up with less.Andrews: They’re cutting me down now to right under ( ) a half-acre, ( ) with so
many pounds, I’ve got to have so many pounds.Scott: Pounds. Well, did you have to hire somebody to help get it in, help strip
it and get it to market, or….?Andrews: No, I don’t, I don’t hire nobody to help me. I ended. I just turned it
over to him.Scott: To him, he does it all himself?
Andrews: No, he gets somebody, they swap work, you know go backwards and forwards.
Scott: So we don’t have to pay anything out to have it raised.
Andrews: He helps some boys, and then they help him out.
Scott: Well that works out better for everybody doesn’t it? Saves some money.
Andrews: Yeah, yeah.
Scott: If you had to hire somebody, to cut it, would you make anything?
Andrews: Not much.
Scott: The fertilize, fertilizing all this…
Andrews: Oh it’s high. I never did ask him what it costs this year. He went and
got it. I never did ask what he had to pay for it this year.Scott: Do you remember what you had to pay when you were farming?
Andrews: Seems like the last of fertilize that I bought to fertilize tobacco
with, it might have been costing me eighty dollars.Scott: A ton? Boy, that’s high. How many ton would you have to put out in there?
Andrews: We generally just put a ton on it.
Scott: On that half an acre?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Still you gotta make good money on that tobacco to pay that fertilize.
Andrews: Yeah, you’ve got to pay that, have that paid off.
Scott: Of course, you don’t owe anything on your land, and that makes a difference.
Andrews: No, I don’t owe nothing. I’ve got shed of everything I had.
Scott: But you don’t have to, I mean you own the land; you won’t have to make
payments on that land.Andrews: No.
Scott: If you went out now, and say bought a farm, say you went out and bought
50 acres, and had to—just starting farming, you’re a young man and just beginning farming, do you think you could make enough on it to pay the payments on it, the way property is now?Andrews: I just don’t know; it would just ( ).
Scott: It would be hard, wouldn’t it?
Andrews: Yeah, it would be hard. Trying to raise stuff on it too.
Scott: To buy the cattle, and whatever you needed on it. Well, you all have
always raised a garden?Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Still raise a garden.
Andrews: Still raise a garden.
Scott: What all do you raise in it?
Andrews: Oh, beans and cabbage, and tomatoes. Oh I don’t know….[laughs]….
Scott: Every kind of vegetable.
Andrews: Yeah, just something to eat that way.
Scott: What about an orchard? Do you have any fruit trees?
Andrews: No, my orchard’s gone kerplunk on me.
Scott: What happened to all the orchards? Everybody used to have an orchard…we
had one….Andrews: I tell you what happened to mine…most of it. Do you remember way back
when that hard storm come?Scott: In ’60, I mean ’74?
Andrews: I don’t know how long it’s been, about six or seven years.
Scott: About ’74 I think.
Andrews: Well, it laid them down.
Scott: Is that right?
Andrews: Yeah, it blowed the trees, apple trees down here and we snaked out
trees to the woods, get them out. They was a little orchard here.Scott: Well, I thought you had a good orchard.
Andrews: They was, but that storm cleaned it up for me.
Scott: And didn’t touch the house, did it?
Andrews: Yeah, it touched the house.
Scott: Oh did it?
Andrews: Yeah, but it didn’t blow it down. It blowed some of the roofing up on it.
Scott: Did it really?
Andrews: Yeah, blowed some up on the barn but it didn’t blow the house down. I
sit here in my house the whole time that storm moved.Scott: Whew…were you afraid?
Andrews: No, I didn’t—wasn’t afraid. Never thought much about it until after it
was over with.Scott: You were afraid after it was over with, I bet, weren’t you [laughing]?
Andrews: Kinda, after I got out and looked around. I went out and walked out
there on the porch, and the roof was just turned back up on the house…and I kind got, sort of afraid then [laughing].Scott: Afraid then?
Andrews: That kinda scared me. Oh, it just laid everything down…trees.
Scott: Well I know when I was here before, you had a good size orchard here.
Andrews: Yeah, but it’s gone now, though.
Scott: Well, all the farms, seems like when I was growing up, every farm around
here had an orchard, and now….Andrews: We used to have orchards with all kinds of apples, peach orchards.
Scott: Well, did you sell that fruit, or….?
Andrews: Sell the peaches, sometimes.
Scott: Well, peaches seem to grow better down here than they do now.
Andrews: Yeah, them great big old peaches, oh we had all kinds of peaches. Did
you ever see any Indian peaches?Scott: No, what are they?
Andrews: They’re red inside.
Scott: The little…are they little?
Andrews: They’re smaller, but they become big ones. We used to have them here.
Scott: Oh my goodness. I haven’t seen those….
Andrews: Peaches, cherries, oh everything, plums….
Scott: So you had a big orchard.
Andrews: Pears, two or three different kinds of pears.
Scott: Did it blow all the pear trees down?
Andrews: Not some of them, blowed down one, blowed down my old pear tree that
had been here for years and years. We had pears on it everybody’d come and get the pears off of it.Scott: And it blowed it down.
Andrews: Blowed it down.
Scott: Well, that’s a shame.
Andrews: It laid it down.
Scott: Seems like nobody’s fooling with them anymore.
Andrews: No, no, they ain’t fooling with them. I did think I’d set the orchard
back out, but I never—I just didn’t. Look like I could never get up hopes to get started out on it.Scott: Well, it takes so long, to get them to bear again, to get them back
again. Well, I didn’t know that storm had come that close to you, but come to think about it, it did, didn’t it?Andrews: Oh yes. I was right here at me. Belle’s house over there, it just tore
her barn down and blowed one house away, and blowed all the top off another, and I was sitting right over here. It just raised up roofing on my house all around, and on the barn. I got the boys and went back out there the next day, fixed it back down.Scott: Started cleaning, cleaning up after it. Well that’s a shame; I didn’t know.
Andrews: Yeah, boy, it really spun. We went down on the road right through that
storm was over, and they was working on the road down there, and it had blowed that mud off that road and just stuck it on those trees, ( ) slamming, but wasn’t laying down.Scott: Well now, there was a number of people killed here, wasn’t there?
Andrews: Yeah, there was some killed.
Scott: Here in Clinton County.
Andrews: Well, it blew Dale’s house, the old house where daddy and mammy lived,
it just picked it up and sailed it off.Scott: Did anybody live in it?
Andrews: No, there wasn’t nobody in it. And the house that they lived in, it
just tore the house down all around, and just left the middle of it. And they were sitting in the middle.Scott: Oh my goodness!
Andrews: Pulled the top off of it.
Scott: Bet they were scared, too, wasn’t they?
Andrews: Yeah, it was scary.
Scott: I wasn’t down here then; we lived in, up in London. We got a little bit
of it; we didn’t get anything like that.Andrews: Yeah, we got a whole lot of it.
Scott: You all still can your food, you and your wife?
Andrews: Fruit?
Scott: Your food out of your garden?
Andrews: Yeah, yeah.
Scott: Well when did you get married Mr. Andrews?
Andrews: I’ve been married forty years.
Scott: And your wife, what was her maiden name?
Andrews: Snow.
Scott: Snow. Is she from here…from Clinton County?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Well where do your children live now?
Andrews: Where do they live?
Scott: Yes.
Andrews: One lives in Cumberland County, and the other three live in Louisville.
Scott: Nobody’s farmers?
Andrews: No.
Scott: What about the boy that’s still here. Will he, is he going to be farmer?
Andrews: No, he don’t farm much, he just puts out a little stuff; he works in a
garage business all the time. He did drive a truck, a long time, and he got tired of that.Scott: ( ) . So none of your children’s interested in farming?
Andrews: No, no, they don’t like that. That oldest boy of mine, he works on the
road all the time. You’ve seen him, I guess. I don’t know whether he’s up here working now or not.Scott: But nobody wants to be farmers anymore.
Andrews: No, they don’t any of them.
Scott: What’s going to happen to all these little farms? Like yours, and my dad’s?
Andrews: That boy’s been working on the road for oh, twenty-one years, and I got
one in Louisville, he’s been working in a place where he works, car works, longer than that. And then the girl is working at the GE plant.Scott: Oh, the GE plant in Louisville. Well, they’re sure not going to come back
and farm, are they?Andrews: No, they didn’t farm when they were here once [laughing].
Scott: I don’t know; some girls seem to have gotten by without having to; I
didn’t get by without having to. What’s going to happen to all these little farms? Are they just going to grow back up?Andrews: I don’t know. They’ll grow back up, I guess.
Scott: Until somebody comes in and takes them over.
Andrews: Well, I ain’t able to farm anymore.
Scott: Well, can…people can’t make in living in it.
Andrews: No.
Scott: Hay farms, it’s just not worth it. Would you be interested in selling, if
you could?Andrews: No, I ain’t interested in selling.
Scott: You wouldn’t sell out?
Andrews: No, I been, I was just raised up here, and I just stay here. And they
all left me, and I stayed here. I stayed on, stayed on with my daddy as long as he lived. And when he died, he left me this house, and I come up and stayed. Well, I didn’t live in the house here. I lived way up in the field there, and when he died, I moved back down here.Scott: Oh he lived in this house?
Andrews: Yeah, he stayed here. I just went backwards and forwards. He got kind
of sick, I’d go backwards and forwards…Scott: Just take care of him.
Andrews: Just take care of him.
Scott: Did he live by himself?
Andrews: Yeah, he lived here by himself awhile. I stayed with him a long time,
and then I finally moved out. He stayed here by himself; I just lived right up there on the field, above him.Scott: Is that house still standing, up there?
Andrews: No, they was three more houses on this place, and they’re all gone but
this one.Scott: Is that right? Were they log houses too?
Andrews: Yeah. My brother and sister had a house apiece; my older brother ( ).
And my grandma lived back up here, right close to the road.Scott: In the big house, up there?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: I remember that one. Is that the one that daddy tore down?
Andrews: Huh?
Scott: Is that the one daddy tore down?
Andrews: I don’t know.
Scott: He tore down a big old house up here one time, for somebody. I wonder if
that was the house. Big old two-story house?Andrews: No, it wasn’t two-story. It was a house built just like this.
Scott: A log house.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Were those houses on the farm, were they all log houses too, like this one?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Did they sell the logs?
Andrews: No, I don’t ( ).
Scott: I know these log houses like this are worth a fortune right now. People
buying them and taking the logs down and moving them, and building houses back with them. And these logs look like they’re here for eternity.Andrews: They’ve been here now, they’ve been here; it’s a wonder they haven’t
been gone before now, but they’re just lasting on and on.Scott: They’re solid as they can be, aren’t they?
Andrews: Yes, they’re still solid.
Scott: Your grandpa built this, I guess?
Andrews: No, my daddy built the house.
Scott: Oh, your dad built this one.
Andrews: My grandma, well, they used to be in the other house back…I just barely
can remember seeing it. They used to be another house that Uncle Marsh, and Aunt Lizzie, and Aunt ( ), and them was all growed up in that house; set right up on the field. Then they built that other house, and they moved up ( ).Scott: And left that one.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: And it was a log house too?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Hmm…so there were a bunch of houses here at one time.
Andrews: Sure was.
Scott: Well, you heat here with wood, don’t you? Fireplace?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Oh sometimes, I get a little coal mixed in with it, when it gets cold.
Andrews: Holds fire a little bit longer, doesn’t it?
Scott: Sure saves a lot of money, though, if you’re talking about gas heat or
oil, or whatever. You have all the wood here on the farm?Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Don’t have to go out and buy wood.
Andrews: No.
Scott: Well, how much, when your dad had 56 acres, how much of it was in
woodlands? And how much of it was in cropland?Andrews: Oh, about half of it.
Scott: Was in woods. Was there any good timber left in it?
Andrews: Oh yeah, there was some good timber. He sold it.
Scott: Sold the timber off.
Andrews: Yeah, most of it. Well, I sold some of it after he died.
Scott: What kind was it?
Andrews: Oak, poplar, and some maples, gum, great big old gums.
Scott: Is there any good timber left on it?
Andrews: No, it’s all small now; the good timber’s gone.
Scott: So it’s got twenty-five more years before you sell it again. How much of
your land, is all of your land cleared?Andrews: No, no, part of it’s woods.
Scott: To just provide your firewood.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Well, you have chickens?
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: But you don’t have any cows?
Andrews: No. No cows, no hogs. Yeah, we’ve got chickens.
Scott: Eggs?
Andrews: Yeah, yeah.
Scott: So you can pretty well grow what you eat.
Andrews: Yeah, hundreds of eggs.
Scott: Do you ever sell them?
Andrews: Sell about all of them, ( ). They ( ), wouldn’t want to throw them
away, if someone would eat them.Scott: Well, that’s right. You don’t eat eggs?
Andrews: Yeah, I eat them once in awhile.
Scott: But just once in awhile. Not enough to eat up what you have.
Andrews: No, no.
Scott: If you had your time to go over, if you were a young man, just married,
would you stay on the farm?Andrews: No.
Scott: You wouldn’t. Why not?
Andrews: Oh, it comes to me from my daddy and mammy, and I just thought I’d keep
it, my part of it.Scott: But if you had your time to go over, you wouldn’t stay?
Andrews: No.
Scott: But you wouldn’t leave now?
Andrews: No, no, I’m getting too old to take off now [laughing]. I’m getting too old!
Scott: Farm work is hard work, isn’t it?
Andrews: Well, in a way it is, and in a way you get used to it, it ain’t too
hard for you.Scott: It’s a lot easier now, than when you were young.
Andrews: Oh yeah. I used to work, see I used to work away from home a long time.
Scott: Oh you did, where did you work?
Andrews: You knew James Harper, didn’t you?
Scott: Yes.
Andrews: I worked for him a long, long time. Jim ( ) Fergurson, I know you know him.
Scott: Oh yeah, yeah.
Andrews: I worked for him and Mary a long, long time.
Scott: So you just farmed part-time.
Andrews: Yeah. I worked for them a long time.
Scott: But wouldn’t leave this farm.
Andrews: No, I wouldn’t leave, I just ( ) stayed here.
Scott: Hmmm.
Andrews: That oldest girl of Jim’s she don’t miss a year when she don’t come by
to see me.Scott: Come back?
Andrews: Yeah, she’s been over here this year.
Scott: Well, I can’t think of anything else, Mr. Andrews, that I want to ask
you, is there anything you’d like to add? Anything you’d like to say, that I haven’t asked?Andrews: No, I don’t know of nothing. That’s a new thing to me [laughing] and I
don’t know what, hardly what to say on it.Scott: I just wanted to know about your farm, mainly whether or not you’d stay
if you had it to do over.Andrews: Yeah, I’d stay.
Scott: Keep the farm in your name.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: Well, yet, your son is still home; he’ll probably stay here at the farm,
won’t he?Andrews: Well, I couldn’t say. You can’t tell about children.
Scott: How old is he?
Andrews: I guess he’s about thirty, somewhere.
Scott: So he’ll…
Andrews: I guess him and your sister I thought; I guess they went to school together.
Scott: Yes, they went to school together. So they’re close to the same age.
Andrews: They’re close to the same age.
Scott: So he’ll probably stay around, keep the farm in your name, anyway.
Andrews: I hope he does, but I don’t know. Of course, we need him. I can’t do
nothing. And he has to help his mammy do things.Scott: It helps, helps to have somebody around.
Andrews: Yeah.
Scott: On the farm, you can use all the help you can get.
Andrews: Yes, we do.
Scott: [Laughing].
Andrews: We sure do, we need all the help we can get.
Scott: Well, I want to thank you for talking to me; I hate to take up your time.
Andrews: No, you ain’t worrying me my time—sit and talk all day [laughter].
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