Kentucky Oral History Commission
Interview Log
Name of Interviewee: Rebecca Forsythe
DOB: 8/18/1895
Birthplace: Frost, KY
Occupation: Retired postmaster
Topics Discussed in Interview: Biographical information
Civil War stories told in her family
The Greenup Depot Fire
Entertainment (what children did when she was growing up) Clothing of the early
20th centuryThe 1937 Flood
Her job as postmaster
Floods that have occurred in the area in addition to the '37 flood
Interviewer comments: Places & Names Discussed: Dodge Agency
William Biggs
Squire Holiday Waring Harris, on Waring Uncle Will Womack Mt. Sterling, KY Bigg
House Hotel Portsmouth, Ohio Huntington, (WV) Cincinnati (Ohio)E.K. Railroad Grayson
Ed Pollock
Judge Sowards
French Lick
Fred Vinson
Mr. Bates
Marshall University