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Kentucky Oral History Commission

Interview Log

Name of Interviewee: Robert Baker

DOB: 1/17/1901

Birthplace: Locust Branch, Estill County, KY

Occupation: Newspaper publisher/editor

Topics Discussed in Interview:


Beginning of printing career


Military service on the Great Lakes

History of papers in Irvine, KY

Editorial problems

Political problems


Interviewer comments: “An excellent source of information about Irvine.”

Places & Names Discussed:

Elias Baker

Irvine Sun (newspaper)

John W. Walker

Western Newspaper Union

Panola, Madison County, KY

Guy Bell

J.R. White

Mr. Vinson

Captain T.E. Murray

George Nile

Michipicoten Point

Robert Chaney

Helen Smock

William Parsons

A.G. Girven

T.Q. Wallace

M.C. Bowman

Mark Lyle

Quentin Marks

Ossie Broughton

Gamble Grocery

Hovermale (??)

Campbell press

Mrs. Meadows
